06 April 2002
Dehonian Year Week VII
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the congregation
Central StudiesPosted this week to our new Dehoniana section is 2001-3in the Typical, English Portuguese and Italian editions.
We are also adding to Dehoniana 2001-1 the Italian edition.
Added to the SCJ House Email list is one for the SCJ Mississippi Community (Nesbit - St. Michael Community House) at: jcunniffe@juno.com
Justice & Peace
We are posting to the Justice and Peace page, quotes from The Social Works of Fr. Dehon. The French and Portuguese texts are an adaptation of the larger Italian text by Fr. Andrea Tessarolo.
Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (CU)Posted to Montreal 2002 page in Italian and French (English to follow later) is a text on NGOs and the Laici Terzo Mondo (LTM) in Collaboration with the South Italian Province (IM).
Posted to the letters and documents page in English is Fr. General's reflection on the Dehonian Year (Feb 14, 2002 - Dehonian Year - June 28, 2003). We are still awaiting the French text.
CongoGiovanni Pross (ZA) recently wrote to Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (CU) about plans for the upcoming symposium on peace to be held in Kisangani. The letter is available here in Italian, and will be posted to the Justice & Peace page.
A meeting of European SCJ Major Superiors is to be held next week in Spain. Part of the meeting will be dedicated to preparing for the XXI General Chapter, scheduled to begin on May 12, 2003 in Rome.
Latin America
There will be several important meetings held in the Region of South Brazil, in April:
From April 5 to 7, there will be in Curitiba (RBM) a meeting of Justice& Peace Directors from Latin America.
From April 8 to 18 there will be, in Jaraguá do Sul (RBM) the first ongoing formation program for young dehonians from Latin America.
From April 18-19, at the house of novitiate in Jaraguá do Sul, there will be a meeting for Latin American major superiors.
Fr. Carlos A. da Costa Silva, general councilor, will take part in all three meetings. Fr. General will participate in the formation program for young dehonians.
Also to be held at the novitiate in novitiate in Jaraguá do Sul will be the second Latin American scj vocation directors meeting.
During his pastoral visit to Spain Fr. General, accompanied by Umberto Chiarello, vicar general and responsible for the Spanish Province, had the opportunity to celebrate the first anniversary of the beatification of Blessed Juan Maria de la Cruz, scj held at Valencia on March 10, 2002. Fr. Chiarello has written an account of the celebration available here in Italian (cf.Celebrando il Beato Juan Maria de la Cruz).
Harianus Wardjito (CU) is in India to take part in the District's Chapter Meeting in preparation for the XXI General Chapter.
NB For convience sake, and at the suggestion of the general secretary, we shall use the term chapter for provinces, regions (np) and districts.
The weekly Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar starts on April 5th. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents sectionDehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 12.04.2002 to 18.04.2002
28th Meeting1912 We do not know the exact date of this gathering. Fr. Dehon did not attend. In the month of August, he traveled with Fr. Guillaume (NQ XXXIV, 108).
The mother (Chatarina) of Br. Antonius Sudaryono (IN), who died on March 30, 2002. Br. Antonius is a member of the general curia hosue staff.