09 March 2002
Dehonian Year Week III
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the Congregation
Central StudiesPosted this week to our new Dehoniana section is 2000-1 in the typical edition as well as the English and Portuguese editions.
General Chapter
At the request of the general council we are adding a page for the XXI General Chapter. All documents pertaining to the chapter will be posted to this page. You will be able to link to is using the link found on the 'links frame' on the left hand side of your screen. This temporary 'logo' will be used until an official logo may be adopted.
Email Addresses Correction
The Spanish Province (HI) email address was wrongly reported last week. Please take note that correspondence should be sent to: curia@scj.es
Albania"Statue of the Risen Christ" (molded in plaster, then covered with melted bronze) by Br. Michele Tapparo of the North Italian Province. This work was commissioned by Engineer Pietro Coccolini for the cathedral church under construction in Rreshem, Albania. Please link here to see two other views of The Risen Christ.
The general superior with the consent of his council has appointed a provincial council to serve in Michael Walshe, provincial superior's second term effective March 1, 2002.
- Robert Mann (Dublin)
- Christopher Jenkins (Malpas)
- Owen Wynne (Malpas)
- Michael Hughes (Stockport)
North Brazil
From February 26th to the 28th the Northern Brazilian Province (BS) held its annual assembly. This year's theme was the evaluation of the Province Apostolic Program (PAP). There were about 40 participants.
"Cantoria Padre Dehon" the mixed choir was founded in 1988 and maintains its own website at: http://www.gabrielgarcia.com/cantoria/
United States
"Every person has inalienable dignity, duties and rights. Whatever social class one belongs to, every person is endowed not only with a living body but with an intelligent, free and immortal soul which God created. Having comes from God, this soul should serve God and return to God. Whether this soul lives in the body of a worker at the bottom of a dark Sul coal, or in the body of a well-fed financier living in the lap of luxury, it doesn't matter: in reality both of them have the same value. They have equal personal dignity, equal moral responsibility, the same eternal destiny, and both of them have been given earthly existence so that through truth, morality and religion they may strive for eternal life."
Father Leo John Dehon, Founder Priests of the Sacred Heart.
To mark the start of our Dehonian Year Paul McGuire (US), director of the Dehon Study Center in Franklin, Wisconsin, sent this card along with a reflection on Fr. Dehon's vision of human dignity to each scj in North America (cf. 15 February 2002).
This is to let you know that we have opened the registration for our online Theology Course [in Spanish] at SCJ Venezuela. Our first course is about the Social Doctrine of the Church, and will be starting on March 11.
We'll be giving several interactive options to our participants, such as questions to the tutor, a discussion forum, e-mail list, and a chat room to make this course a real interactive experience. You can find more information in our section of Theology at http://scjven.puertasdebabel.org, as well as the subscription form as well.
sent by Carlos Frick
24th Meeting of the Alumni of St. John's CollegeFr. Rigault, prefect of studies, celebrated the Mass. Fr. Gauchet delivered the homily. "A fine and interesting presentation by Fr. Dehon" was the only comment typed on paper. Nor can any more information be found in Fr. Dehon's diary.
NB There is a numbering error in the original text marking last week's and this week's entry as number 24.
Born: 24.03.1924
First vows: 08.09.1945
Ordained: 16.07.1950
Died: 01.03.2002 at Helmond, Holland