16 November 2002
Dehonian Year Week XXXVIII
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
Address updateThe scj house of Belo Horizonte (BM) has a new email address: scjbh@uol.com.br
We have updated the House Email List by Province - Region - District to reflect this change, as well as several other recent changes in the congregation such as the change in status of Canada and the renaming of the province in Congo as "CO".
On November 6, 2002, Vidimus Dominum published another article on the situation in Mambasa: ("The violence in Mambasa told in a report which has come to the Generalate of the Dehonians.")
Email corrections for North Italy
A number of changes have been made to the North Italian email list which can be found on our Links page:
Canada (CAN)After consulting the members of the region Richard Woodbury, regional superior, determined the regional council order as follows:
1. Adrian Visscher (Ottawa)
2. James Casper (Toronto)
Chapter delegates
Three chapters have recently completed their work and have chosen the following as delegates and alternates to the XXIst General Chapter to be held in Rome starting on May 12, 2003:
1. Jan Strzalka
Zbigniew Morawiec
2. Tadeusz Michalek
Wieslaw Swiech
3. Robert Ptak
Antoni Ulaczyk
1. Nico Turmes
Ouillon Marcel
2. Józef Furczon
Edouard Ahnen
South Africa
1. Zbigniew Chwaja
John Stritmatter
Italy - Chapter at Capiago
On November 11th at Capiago the North Italian province opened its IXth Provincial Chapter. Present in addition to the 35 deletes are: Fr. Umberto Chiarelllo from the general council, Fr. Daniele Gaiola from the province in Mozambique and Fr. Rodolofo Bonci from the province of Argentina-Uruguay. Also invited is a member of the dehonian family.
The Chapter's theme is: "To be Christians, to be Dehonians: our mission today." Three aspects will be studied: community, vocation and mission. Underliny them all is the question of 'refoundation', a theme which was studied during a special course of ongoing formation at Albisola.
The job will therefore be long and difficult because it will involved: a reflection on the spirit who guide us (the following of Christ); on our works (pastoral activity, publishing, etc.); and on our new external mission orientation after our involvement with our two principle mission of Argentina and Mozambique. The chapter is scheduled to conclude on November 24, 2002.
from Paolo Gazotti (IS)
provincial secretary 10.11.02
New Book
Fr. Piet Schellens has published a book, illustrated by Herman Falke (CAN) entitled:
"O God where are are you now?" It can be ordered from the provincial secretary in Breda and cost 17.95 euro each. Please indicate the title (God, waar ben je nou) when you are ordering the book: Orders should be sent to:
Provincial secretary
P.O. Box 4609
4803 EP Breda
NederlandYou may also order via email: Provincialaat@ned-prov-scj.nl
NB Please be aware the book is published in Dutch.
Remembering Fr. Wiercx
We have received a tribute to Fr. Renatus Wiercx (BS) who died on 4.10.02. At the moment all we have is the original sent to us in Dutch. We hope to be able to publish it in other languages next week:
Zbigniew Bogacz, provincial superior, with the consent of his council has appointed new district superiors for:
BIA (Bielorussia) Fr. Zenon RomejkoMUK (Moldvoa-Ukraina) Fr. Piotr Kuszman
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 18.11.02 -24.11.02