23 November 2002
Dehonian Year Week XXXIX
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
Email UpdatesOur email lists are maintained by the office of the secretary general (Odilo Leviski: scjcuriagen@scj.org ). It would be most helpful if you directed any and all changes to his office and not to website personnel in order that we can insure the congregational email lists are accurate. This is especially important since email addresses change much more frequently than postal addresses or phone numbers.
Please note the following changes in the Franco-European Province posted to our links page:
- Cinqfontaines Prêtres du Sacré-Coeur: scjlux@pt.lu
- Clairefontaine Prêtres du Sacré-Coeur accueil.scj.clairefontaine@belgacom.net
- Paris Prêtres du Sacré-Coeur efsecprov@infonie.fr
Message from the Assistant General Secretary
The office of the general secretary is in the process of trying to draw up a list of chapter delegates email addresses for use in sending future chapter information. They are kindly asked to forward their address to Odilo Leviski at: scjcuriagen@scj.org
Logo for the 2003 Dehonian Youth GatheringPlans have begun for the 2003 gathering of dehonian youth from around Europe. The German Province (GE) is the lead province responsible for its planning. The theme Sint Unum is taken from John 17:11, which was a favorite of the founder Leo John Dehon it is one of the mottos of the congregation. The person responsible for organization is Fr. Gerd Hemken (GE).
Fr. Gerd Hemken, scj
Kloster Maria martental
D -- 56759 Kaisersesch
Tel: 02653/989034
Email: Gerd.Hemken@scj.de
Website: www.scj.de
North Italy -- A Special Grace Attributed to Fr. Dehon
The following was received from the provincial secretary of the North Italian Province:
There is evidence of a special grace given to a women from Albino after intense prayers by her family to Fr. Dehon. We present the encounter Frs. Mostarda and Rota had with her doctors at the hospital in Treviglio. Fr. Rota writes:
from Paolo Gazotti (IS)
A Special Grace Attributed to Fr. Dehon
South Italy -- Meeting in Minsk
The Movimento dehoniano Europeo (M.d.E.) [European Dehonian Movement] will hold it's second international meeting in Minsk this weekend, November 23-24, 2002.
The European Dehonian Movement (Movimento dehoniano Europeo M.d.E.) was started in 1993 by a group of students from a technical institute in Naples at which Fr. Muzio Ventrella was the religion teacher. It's scope is to promote inter-religious and intercultural dialogue between European countries and those of greater Europe, especially those of the Mediterranean region of the former USSR......
The Second International Meeting - Voluntary Service and Solidarityfrom Muzio Ventrella (IM)
United States - a note from the editor
This week will be Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Often times as an American scj in Rome I have been asked what is the history and meaning of this public holiday. Each fall, Plimoth* Plantation's Research, Education and Public Relations Massachusetts, publishes an abundance of information on the history and origin of this holiday on their website. (cf. THE AMERICAN THANKSGIVING TRADITION ).
Note: This year Thanksgiving Day falls on November 28, 2002, as it is always celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.
*Old spelling of Plymouth
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 25.11.02 -01.12.02
"To be with God wondering, that is adoration. To be with God gratefully, that is thanksgiving. To be with God ashamed, that is contrition. To be with God with people and things we care about in our hearts, that is intercession. But the center of it in desire and in design will be the being with God."
-- Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury