24 May 2002
Dehonian Year Week XIV
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the congregation
ChileOur faithful writes from Chile have sent Chronicle N° 12 from Ancud. We also received a photo of the trio.
In this first month of pastoral work, after the months of January and February which were a little more relaxed, we emphasize the first meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council. On Saturday March 23rd we gathered some 20 delegates from all parts of the parish, to discuss what is the role of a "Consejo Parochial" in our Parish of ANCUD where we have a special situation.
Editors Note: OurAnchud group sent this picture some time ago so that we can put a 'face' with a name. Featured here are: Juan Fernando Gamboa Ferrada, Hernan Leemrijse and Mario Emilio Rodríguez Castillo.
Father Valdir Müller (BM) in his classroom teaching 11-year old girls and boysThe project "Brazil and Germany -- an exchange of personnel brought into being at the suggestion of the last chapter general "We the Congregation" -- is taking shape. Two brethren from South Brazil (BM), Father Valdir Müller, scj, and Father Jacinto Weizenmann, scj, have been living and working with the Community of the Sacred Heart in Handrup in North-West Germany since the February 1, 2002.
On May 12th the "Kirchenbote" reported about the project on its front page. This esteemed weekly paper of the diocese Osnabrück draws its readership from the North of Germany between the Dutch border and Hanover and between Munster and Hamburg.
The article from the "Kirchenbote" is reprinted here in its entirety.
provided by Heiner Wilmer (GE)
I am sending a photo of the SCJ Indian novices of India for SCJ World News. They started their novitiate on May 6th. We are very happy and grateful to the Sacred Heart for such a big group of novices. They are: Aji Bhaskar, Jose Richard, Raju, Sajeevan, Sanil, Selvaraj, Sunil, Tijo and Xavier.
Thank you for your attention and God bless your work for the Congregation.
Sebastian Pitz
During the recent visit of the general council to Andria Fr. General had the opportunity to meet with the young seminarians under the direction of Massimo Staiano (IM). The students live at the Schola Apostolica -- Entrum ad vocationes fovendas -- and attend local schools.
This week Fr. General also attended the meeting of the Union of Superior Generals in Rome.
The weekly Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar starts on May 31st. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents sectionDehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 31.05.2002 to 06.06.2002
+ Fr. Cláudio Longen (BM) born: 01.06.1916
first profession: 16.01.1936
ordained: 12.10.1942
died: 16.05.2002 at Taubaté, BrazilFr. Cláudio dedicated almost all his life to formation. He interrupted his studies to teach for two years in the minor seminary of Corupá. After ordination he worked for many years in the seminary at Lavras -- interrupted for one year (1948) to work at Corupá. He also served as director of the seminary, from 1949 to 1953. In 1954 he returned to Corupá where he remained until 1967. He was a good math and physics teacher and a wise man, loved by his students.
In 1968 he moved with the high school to Rio Negrinho. In 1971 he ended his teaching carrier and went to Curitiba, where he was served as pastor from 1972 to 1989. From 1990 to 1994 he was assistant pastor in the parish of Corupá, and finally, in 1995 he retired at Taubaté, while still serving Menay communities when needed. He died after under going surgery.