Justice will not come to Athens until
those who are not injured
are as indignant as those who are injured.
-- Thucydides
Thanks to the kindness of the staff at Vatican Radio we have a copy of the audio file of Bob Bossie's radio interview on 24 October. As reported on last week's news page:Bob Bossie (US) was interviewed on Vatican Radio on Friday, October 22, 1999, regarding the effect of continuing economic sanctions imposed by the UN on Iraq. Bossie has been active through the Eighth Day Center in Chicago in campaigning for the lifting of these sanctions with the devastating effect they are having on the lives of ordinary people, especially the elderly and young.
In order to play this Microsoft's Media Player has to be installed. It can be download at the following url: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/mediaplayer/en/download/. Once the player has been installed you can link to the audio feed here (cf. Rights or Wrongs.asf). A reminder that for those who do not have access to Vatican Radio many of their news programs are available over the Internet at their web site (cf. http://www2.links2go.com/more/www.wrn.org/vatican-radio).
After several months of being off line the British-Irish Province (BH) has reactivated their website. It is now under the direction of Chris Jenkins, director of the Malpas Retreat Center and superior of the local scj community. Although the site is still very much 'under construction' your comments and suggestions are most welcome. The site can be found at: http://www.malpas2000.freeserve.co.uk. Your comments can be sent to the sites email address at: scj@malpas2000.freeserve.co.uk .
The Preamble Center is a web site dedicated to promoting Economic Social Justice. They have an excellent primer on Globalization ( Globalization: a Primer by Mark Weisbrot) available on line in English, as well as many other documents on economic matters, which may be of interest to those preparing for Recife 2000 General Conference on the theme The Economy and the Kingdom of God. They site can be found at: http://www.preamble.org/
The translations from French to the other four website languages of the obituary for Bishop Pierre Tchuanga who died on 23 October have been posted to: +Bishop Pierre Augustin Tchouanga - CM .
One last time! Note the correct Internet abbreviation for Holland is NL and not NE. Therefore the correct email address (pointed out by Adriano Borst (NE)) for Joszefklooster is: jozefklooster.nijmegen@worldonline.nl . Also please note the convention we have adopted regarding periods at the end of a sentence when giving a url or email address. Since these periods are often not part of the address and are a source of confusion we will endeavor to put a space between the address and the close of the sentence, as well as using 'normal' text for the periods as opposed to 'highlighted' text.
Congratulations to the following scjs who will be celebrating anniversaries during the month of November:40 years of religious profession: 01/11/59 P Masséra Bernard Daniel F. X. GA
50 years of ordination to: 27/11/49 P Dingelstad A. Joannes M.B. NE
25 years of ordination to: 28/11/74 P Peluse Harmon Dominic US
From Ecuador
Paolo Gazzotti, provincial secretary of the North Italian Province and our Italian website translator sent the following excerpt from Remembering Ecuador by Bishop Grisson.
In the book written by Mons. Grisson he recounts the ill-fatted enterprise, of which he was a protagonist as a member of the first group of missionaries of the Priest of the Sacred Heart in Ecuador.
"The first group of missionaries left from France in November of 1888, just ten years after the congregation was founded, heading for the Equator and the land of the great statesmen Garcia Moreno, a chivalrous and noble nation, but extremely needy of religious to assist in organizing the faith.
After moving from place to place in Ecuador they settled down in Bahia where they opened a school that blossomed in no time. Unfortunately their apostolic zeal would soon be demolished. By order of the Masonic Government they were forced to leave the country, and so on the 12th of June 1896, they left for Europe. Divine Providence would call them to work in other lands, and with great success."
Fr. Gabriele Grison with some students at Bahia (page 149) Bahia, as the College of the Priests of the Sacred. Heart looked in 1932. Unfortuantely it was not well maintained after the scjs left (pag. 167). Also from Ecuador this week is a short letter from Javier Bravo (HI) and members of the new community at Quito. Included in this letter is the complete postal and email address for the community (cf. First Letter from Quito Community).
The Umbrian area continues to recover from the devastating earthquakes of two years ago. Later this month the upper church of the Basilica of St. Frances is scheduled to open. Santa Maria degli Angeli is now open and others will soon follow. Likewise in our scj community in Foligno (17 kilometers south of Assisi) work continues on the old part of the building which sustained major damage during the quakes.
Upper Basilica at Assisi Reinforcement work at Foligno Because of the quakes the postulant program has moved temporarily to Andria but has returned this fall under the direction of Vincenco Martino. Two of the postulants are from Sicily, one from Southern Italy and another from Albania. In addition to serving as the postulant community the scjs in Foligno staff one of the parishes in the city of Foligno as well as run a hospitality house/conference center called La Villa Quiete. Fr. Antonio Cristiano is the local superior.
Stefan Tertünte writes his commentary this week on the influence of Fr. P. Melchior Freyd , superior of Santa Chiara in Rome had on the life of Fr. Dehon (cf. Dehon in Rome - Fr. Melchior Freyd ).
Paul J. McGuire (US) was kind enough to offer our website an electronic (computer) copy of his recent work In Canada and America: Selections from Father Dehon's Diary. This week Fr. Dehon travels from the gateway to the west, St. Louis, north to Chicago, which has often been called the most American of cities (cf. Chicago). It is also, by the way, the first stop on Fr. Dehon's tour where scjs currently live and work. It is home to the house of theology and novitiate for the US Province.