The Vocation Conference in Lavras, Brazil completed it's work on August 13,1999. Please check the Vocation Page for reports issued during the conference. the South Brazilian Province hopes to publish in English, French and Portuguese the documents and reports from the conference. Due to the number of languages used it will take some time before this document can be issued. In the meantime we hope publish these documents as they become available.In addition to daily reports from the conference several of the participants offered their personal reflections also posted to the vocation page.
On the last day of the conference the participants wrote a message to the congregation which can be found by linking here to: MESSAGE TO THE CONGREGATION FROM THE PARTICIPANTS IN THE INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF VOCATION DIRECTORS IN LAVRAS, BRAZIL
On the South Brazilian Province (BM)web site ( weekly news updates are published. Unfortunately, it requires knowing the province identification and password. Should you wish to access this news section of the site please contact Celso Wasch (BM), provincial secretary who will be happy to supply you with the id and password required. Celso can be contacted via email at
No it wasn't a mistake. Some have written to ask what "EF" stands for after the names of Joseph Famerée and George Deptula stands for. It is the new designation for the Franco-European province composed of France (GA) and Luxembourg (LW). The change will appear in all future documents.
North American SCJs gathered at Sacred Heart Monastery/Sacred Heart School of Theology in Hales Corners from August 16 -19, 1999. On Friday August 20, 1999, the US Province celebrated it's ordination and profession jubilees for 1999.About 20 of the scjs who participated in the Lavras Vocation Conference toured parts of the BM and RBM. The visit included stops at the major houses of formation Taubaté (theology), Brusque (philosophy), Curitiba (postulancy) and Jaraguá do Sul (novitiate), as well as the minor seminar at Corupá. In addition a number of parishes staffed by scjs, including the two in Rio de Janeiro, were visited. In Rio the scjs stayed as guests in the homes of lay dehonians and enjoyed a concert by Frs. Zezinho and João Carlos Almeida among others. The tour ended in São Paulo where the participants departed for their home provinces or regions.
Br. Rutgerus Jan Verbeet (NE) On September 8th Br. Rutgerus Jan Verbeet (NE) celebrates 50 years of religious life.
He was born in Groesbeek (Holland) on 18 April 1927, professed on 8 September 1949 in Heer and made his final vows on 8 September 1952 in Bergen op Zoom.
For the first seven years he worked in the Minor Seminary of Bergen op Zoom and the School of Theology in Liesbosch.
In 1956 Br. Rutgerus came to Rome to serve at the Collegio Internazionale. He stayed there until 1998 when he returned to Holland, to the community of Nijmegen. He is proud and happy to have spent almost all his life in the service of formation that he sees as his mission in the congregation.
In Rome he took care of the gardens. Here he came to know a large number of scjs and became a very popular member of the community; for his silent wisdom, his cigars, which he would joyfully share with others, his fidelity to religious life. Along with Br. Silvestro, he shares a special identity with the history of Collegio Internazionale.
On this special day the Curia and Colleggio Internazionale communities congratulate him, and again thank him, wishing him the blessing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for his fidelity to religious life. Grazie mille, Rutgero
(provided by the office of thesecretary general)
+P. Arnoldus van der Meer (CH) born: 29.01.21 in Pijnacker (Holland)
1st Profession: 08.09.42
ordained: 20.07.47, in Nijmegen (Holland)
died: 14.08.99, in Santiago (Chile)Fr. Arnold was sent to Argentina as a missionary in January 1949. A year later, in March 1950, he moved to Chile, as one of the founders of the Chilean province.
He was a great supporter of the social teachings of the Church, a great defender of human rights and a fighter for Justice&Peace. He became a Chilean citizen in 1962.
He was active in schools, as an educator and director, as well as in parish ministry, and in social works, on behalf of the poor as a true disciple of Fr. Dehon.
He was superior of the Region of Chile from 1985 to 1989.
Until his death he encouraged scj candidates as well as lay dehonians in Chile. He worked for over 50 years in South America, dedicating all his love and his strength to the Kingdom of God in the dehonian spirit. We deeply regret that we will miss such a great friend and priest.
(provided by CH provincial office)In addition to this short obituary, there is a longer one available in Spanish written by Teodoro Borst, CH provincial superior (CF. EN MEMORIA DEL PADRE ARNOLDO).
This week Stefan Tertünte has chosen to write about the influence Pierre Jacques Cornil Dehaene - director of the Hazebrouck College had on Fr. Dehon (CF. Pierre Jacques Cornil Dehaene - director of the Hazebrouck College).