SCJ World News |
12 February 2000
This week's Meet and SCJ from the South Italian Province features Giuseppe Guglielmi, a 23 years old theology student at the scj house of studies, Studentato per le Missioni, in Bologna.The Sunday website ofNando Media published an article from the Christian Science Monitor, a respected national publication of The Christian Science Publishing Society, entitled: Nongovernmental organizations are fighting - and winning - social, political battles. The article is of interest to those preparing for the General Conference The Economy and the Reign of God, to be held in Recife, Brazil, May 16 - 26. The article, available in English, has been posted to our General Conference page.
Though we are still missing the names of the Justice & Peace representatives from Latin America and South Europe we are publishing the list of participants to the general conference. When the names from Latin America and South Europe are published they will be added to this list (Cf. Conference Participants). This list will be placed on our conference web page.
The North Italian Province has two new websitesl posted to our links page this week. Please take note of them:
Giubileo dei Giovani 2000 (Cristo Re - Milano)
Parish of Cristo Re - Milano
The USG (Unione Superiori Generali) have published Charism and Spirituality, the 56th conventus semestralis document. The theme of the document: Sharing Gifts and Spirituality: A Consecrated Life Open to the Laity. This publication may be of interest to those preparing to attend the October Dehonian Family Meeting in Rome, or interested in the topic of lay dehonians. Charism and Spirituality can be purchased in several languages at the cost of 20.000 lira from:
Editrice "il Calamo" s.n.c.
Via b. Telesio, 4/b, I- 00195 Roma - Italia
Phone: 0639751900
Fax: 0649762603
CongratulationsLast week we forgot to include the list of those celebration profession and ordination anniversaries during the month of February. Our apologies and our hearty congratulations go to:
65 Years 60 Years 18/02/35 Le Penven François EF P 17/02/40 Lenfers Luiz Júlio BM P Ordinations
50 Years 25 Years 10/02/50 Robl Affonso BM P
Tavares do Carmo José BS P
Ferreira de Araújo José Calixto BS P02/02/75 Paloschi Dario BM P
Pitz Sebastião IND P
Pedrini Moacir Francisco BM P
Marcondes Barbosa Antônio BM P
da Silva Luiz Carlos BM P
Mariotto Aurélio BM P
de Faria Luiz Antônio BM P
Campos Alarcón Juan Ignacio NE P
Heck Léo BM P
Kopitski Antônio BM P
de Moraes Machado José Benedito PHI P
Franzner Airton BM P
60 Years 50 Years 03/02/40 Zinzius Josef GE P 19/02/50 Vicente Ollobarren Jesús HI P Argentina
The conference is going along very well. Fr. Wardjito is doing fine and very happy, and so are we as he is the first Indonesian scj to visit our AU province. We have 14 participants from BM, BRM, BS, MAR, CH, VEN, Ecuador in Latin America, as well as from the US, CGA and ourselves.
from Delio Ruiz (AU)NB Delio Ruiz also sent along a copy of La Programa (available in Spanish) and the logo designed for the conference based on it's theme Con Corazón Solidario (With One Heart). We hope to have additional information on the conference for next week's (February 19) news page.India
In the latest issue of The Mustard Seed, a publication of the Indian SCJ Region, there is a short article offering a good summary of recent developments (cf. A Move to the North - New Foundations, June 1998 - 1999).
Br. Gustave Engelbert Raab was born on January 29, 1865 at Wicrath/Rheydt in Germany. He began his postulancy in our Congregation on October 3,1886 and the novitiate on February 2, 1887. According to the 1894 Elenchus he made his profession on June 9, 1889.This week Stefan Tertünte writes on the life of one of the early brothers in the congregation, Gustave Engelbert Raab (BL) who made his first profession in 1889 and lived until July of 1948.
Calgary is already a large city of 30,000 people. The nearby Rocky Mountains provide it with fine stone for its building projects. There are only 200 French Canadians and their parish church is quite simple. The interior of several Anglican churches look like ours with ornate altars and stain glass windows depicting the mysteries of the Gospel. The Salvation Army already has one of their "citadels" here, just as they do in all the American cities. They hold their services. . . on the sidewalk.So begins this week's account of Fr. Dehon's trek across Western Canada. He has left his fellow scjs behind as he heads towards the Pacific Ocean (Cf. Calgary).
Boniface IX - Having proclaimed at the
the second centenary jubilee while
visiting the basilicas and churches
a betterment of the most sorrowful
which afflicted the nations.