SCJ World News |
15 January 2000
Please note the following additions to our Link Page:Mary Gorski wrote to inform us that the Fridge Notes, a weekly publication of the US Province is now available online at:
In addition, thanks to Maurice Légaré (CGA) for letting us know the Dutch Province has established a website at:
There is a new email address for Madagascar: .
The two letters from Fr. General posted last week in Portuguese and Italian have been updated to include English, we expect the French text to be ready by next week.
International Encounter of Dehonian EducatorsAlso added to the Letters and Documents Page is a letter from H. Wardjito (CU) spelling out the details of theInternational Meeting of the Dehonian Family in October 2000.Hernan Lemreise (CH) forwarded an article, in Spanish, Situacion Neoloberal Ezcurra that has been added to the General Conference Page.
Congratulations:To Yulianus Sukmato (IN) ordained a priest on January 12, 2000, in Bandar Lampung - by Mgr.Andreas Henrisoesanta scj.
To the Latin American Novices attending the South American SCJ Novitiate in Argentina, who will be making their first profession on February 2, 2000. They were kind enough to pass along their invitation.
NB. There are two novitiates in Latin America: one in South Brazil and the other in Argentina. In South Brazil novices come from BM, RBM and MAR. In Argentina novices come from from AU, BS, and CH; in addition this year there are two novices from BM and one from RBM attending this novitiate. Novices from the region of Venezuela currently make their novitiate in Spain.
La Congregación de los Sacerdotes del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús tiene la alegría de invitarles para la celebración eucarística en la cual los novicios Géber Barbosa (BM), Paulo Roberto Stochero (BM), Francisco Jacó Cavalcante (BS), Cristian Raúl Cuevas Jara (CH), Mauricio Alejandro Solar Reyes (CH) y Adalberto Ronconi (RBM) realizarán su Primera Profesión Religiosa, el día 2 de febrero del 2000, a las 20:00hs en la Casa del Encuentro, Maciel, Santa Fe, Argentina.
Les esperamos fraternalmente en el Corazón de Jesús.
50 Years
The Anglo-Canadian Province celebrated the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the first SCJ Community residence in Delaware, Ontario on January 6, 1950. The occasion was marked by an individual/communal reflection held throughout the province.
Guy Blair (US) has worked with the Catholic Deaf Community for many years, both in the United States and Canada. He is currently continuing that work in Chicago while assisting in the US Province Theological House of Formation. Recently he collaborated with Patricia Dyreson in producing a book for children. The following information was provided by Guy Blair and Rick Dileo (US)
The book is entitled A VERY SPECIAL EGG authored by a deaf woman, Patricia Dyreson, from Madison, WI. She is DRE for Deaf Children and the director of the Madison Deaf Ministry. Egg decorating has been one of her favorite hobbies for years. Guy Blair was their chaplain in the Diocese of Madison from 1991-98. Watercolor painting and wood carving have been his favorite hobbies.
In the eye-catching and colorfully illustrated picture book with one page of written story, two children (one deaf and the other hearing) will discover the true meaning of Easter-including religious symbolism- "new life" in nature. Guy's pictures capture the children's facial expressions and include hands that sign.
A VERY SPECIAL EGG comes in soft cover and costs $8.95. Shipping and handling are extra. A total of 1000 copies have been printed and sales are going okay. This is the first Rel Ed book of its kind and composed primarily for deaf children
About the Author
Patricia A. Dyreson has been deaf since birth. She graduated from Gallaudet, the university for deaf people, in Washington, D.C. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin, where she is currently the director of Religious Education for Deaf Children, and the director of the Madison Deaf Ministry in the Diocese of Madison. Egg decorating has been one of favorite hobbies for years.
About the Illustrator
Rev. Guy A. Blair, SCJ, is formerly chaplain to the Catholic Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community in the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin from 1991 to 1998. Presently, he resides in Chicago with the SCJ Formation Community.
Note that we are using Guy's cover as this week's closing piece of art work. For ordering information link to A VERY SPECIAL EGG
This week on our Vocation Page we begin a new feature. Each month during the year 2000 we hope to feature a province, region or district and introduce you to scjs in their own words. During January we will be traveling to the British - Irish Province and begin with Chris Jenkins who is the director of the St. Joseph's Retreat Centre, in Malpas.
We are awaiting the return of Stefan Tertünte from Germany. We hope to resume his journey through the Dehon Photo's next week.
Arriving in Winnipeg on the 16th, I am going to spend three days with Archbishop Langevin of St. Boniface. Winnipeg and St. Boniface (16) are actually two parts of the same city which were joined together as one. Bishop Langevin is the soul of human kindness. Even though he was busy with preparations for the reception of the Papal delegate, he put himself completely at our disposal. His residence is large and all the priests of the diocese are made to feel welcome there. So begins this week's excerpt from Selections from Father Dehon's Diary, as Fr. Dehon heads west across Canada (CF. Winnipeg).![]()
by Guy Blair (US)©
Illustration for the cover of book A Very Special Egg