SCJ World News |
Our Scuola Missionaria del S. Cuore in Padova has posted a website at, it will be added to our links page. They would appreciate any comments or suggestions from our readers.In this week's Meet and SCJ we present the story of Paul Tennyson (CA) who in addition to his duties as a pastor of St. Mary's Church in Hagersville, Ontario, serves as vocation director for our Anglo-Canadian Province.
Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva has sent two documents dealing with Justice and Peace that we would like to draw attention to.
1. From the USG/USIG PUBLICATIO COMMISSIONIS JUSTITIAE ET PACIS, Vol. VII: No. 2, June 2000 on the subject of "trafficking in women". It is available in English and Italian.
Trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation is a very lucrative business operating around the globe. As many as 500,000 persons ( women and children) are trafficked into Western Europe each year. Hundreds of thousands of others are trafficked into the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, South East Asia and many other countries. The women are brought from Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe and South East Asia. Trafficking in women also occurs between different regions of the same country (Cf. Vol. VII: No. 2, June 2000).
2. From the Crisis Centre Keuskupan Ambonia on the recent violence taking place on the island of Ambon, Indonesia. It is available only in English.
During the last few days Ambon experienced unprecedented violence in the large Christian villages of Poka/Rumahtiga/Wailela on the opposite shore of the Bay of Ambon. Material damage: several thousands of houses of Christians, nine churches and the major part of the University Pattimura burned and destroyed (Cf. Ambon).
Correction & CongratulationsAntonio Cuomo (IM) and Robert Ptak (PO) received their licentiate in Dogmatic Theology from the Gregorian Pontifical University.
Antonio Cuomo, under the direction of Philip J. Rosato, sj, wrote on "The Eucharist and Social Justice: The Bread of the Eucharistic Celebration as a Sign of Fraternity and Justice.
Robert Ptak, under the direction of Gerald O'Collins, sj, wrote on "The Eschatological Reign: The Central Idea Proclaimed by Jesus."
NB Submitted by Antonio Cuomo in reference to the July 1, 2000 news page
Alessandro Capoferri, provincial secretary, has sent us the latest news from Mozambique (cf. CARTA ÀS COMUNIDADES 16) published in Quelimane on July 3, 2000. Please note at this time it is available only in Portuguese.
Ryszard Mis (CU), Rafael Gonçalves da Costa (LU), Abbondio Riva (IS) and Odilo Leviski (BM)Before departing Rome for the summer the curia staff had the opportunity to enjoy a churrasco compliments of the culinary skills of Odilo Leviski. When not cooking he serves as assistant general secretary. Churrasco, or barbecue, is a common form of entertaining in Southern Brazil and Argentina.
Stefan Tertünte comments on a photo showing the devastation of Saint Quentin caused during World War I and the horrors of war as seen through the eyes of a young scj writing to Fr. Dehon (Cf. letter from Paul Crépin, scj).The photograph shows some of the ruins of the city of Saint-Quentin after World War I. During these years, through countless letters Fr. Dehon tries to remain in contact with his confreres in the war and to comfort them. One of these young confreres is Paul Crépin (1893-1918), a former pupil of St. John and St. Clément/Fayet, who made his first vows in 1910 in Manage/Belgium.
In the fifth excerpt from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx (CH) we have two excerpts from Fr. Alfonse Maria Rasset to his sister written in September of 1879.