SCJ World News |
18 March 2000
This week's Meet an SCJ features Br. Anthony Sudaryono (IN) who came to Rome in 1998 after the retirement of Br. Ruggero (NE). In addition to overseeing the grounds and gardens he also takes care of basic maintenance at the generalate.Rick Di Leo (US) has prepared A Lenten Journey with Fr. Dehon which was sent to those on the Fridge Notes mailing list. It can also be found on the Fridge Notes website at In his introduction Di Leo writes:
In an effort to make the spirituality of our founder, Fr. Leo John Dehon, more widespread, I offer for you the following. It is an attempt to connect some of our founder's spiritual works with the Lenten season. As a start, I went over the Sunday readings and the Eater Triduum. There were SOME writings that connect with the Lenten sprit. A more complete study could produce more connections.
NB Fridge Notes is produced by the US Province and is published weekly, usually available by Monday noon.
Congratulations to:Engelbert Fotsing (CM) who will be ordained a priest in Nkomsamba, Cameroon on March 25, 2000.
Claudio Sousa Fernandes (BM) who after making his final vows was ordained deacon on 14 March 2000 in São Luis MA. Claudio is the first native scj from the region of Maranhão to take final vows.
Postulancy in BM
This picture shows 53 postulants for the South Brazilian province The postulancy in situated in Curitiba. The program starts in February and goes until the middle of December. After a short vacation those interested go on to the novitiate that starts officially on February 2nd.
This great number of postulants is a the result of the hard work for vocations undertaken by almost all the SCJs in South Brazil, as shown at the International Vocation Conference, held in Lavras last August.
Fr. Adalto Chitolina is responsible for the Postulants and he counts on the help of Fr. Luis A. Faria and Fr. Mário Tito Angioletti.
Currently postulancy and novitiate take place prior to studying philosophy. This year the province is discussing transferring the novitiate to after philosophy, a decision which requires answering many questions because of the great number of people involved.
South Brazil
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On March, 14, the South Brazilian Province dedicated a new Media Center in São Paulo: Centro Dehoniano de Comunicação, has existed for several years and now has a new building suited to its needs. That center publishes a monthly magazine, as well as producing videos, and radio and TV programs. The six scjs form the community living in the building and all of them in one way or another are working in the field of communications. This new building is the direct result of the decision by the province to stress the communication's apostolate. |
MozambiqueDear Friends,
Many have written asking for information on the situation here in Mozambique.
First of all I want to thank you for your concern which certainly demonstrates your solidarity with us. Some have asked how they can help. In conjunction with other religious communities we have set up a joint office to handle donations. These may be sent to:
conto corrente postale 20611208
Via Andolfato, 1 - 20126 Milano (Italy)Please indicate the donation is for Emergency Relief in Mozambique.
Dehonianos em Moçambique
cp 300
tel 4/212032 - fax 4/213864
+F Dagobert Bernardus Dominicus Colignon NEborn: 15.09.1916 in Schiedam
professed: 19.03.1937 in Heer
died: 9.03.2000 in AstenAfter first profession Dagobert worked for 8 years at the seminary of Lanaken, in Belgium as a carpenter. From 1945 to 1956 he served as sacristan and did other services in different houses such as Rotterdam, Nimegen, Delft and Amsterdam. In 1956 he came to Helmond to make furniture for the houses of den Haag and Amsterdam. In 1960 he became teacher in the school of carpentry in Heer I. In 1983 he worked as receptionist and sacristan in Heer II. Finally in 1993 he retired to the house of Asten to enjoy some rest.
From the Dutch Province
Stefan Tertünte writes this week on the foundation of St. John's College and its connection to the foundation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (Cf. St. John's College)."Saint Quentin. Institute St. Jean. The boarding school directed in this city by M. Lecompte is to undergo considerable enlargement under the name of ëInstitute Saint Jeaní. From now on instruction is to be given by a group of priests under the patronage of our Bishop. The gentlemen acquired their instruction experience in several years of teaching. The award of the prizes of the pension Lecompte took place last Saturday. The large audience was delighted.... M. Abbé Dehon spoke about Christian education and the president welcomed the new institution." (Semaine Religieuse de Soissons, 11.08.1877)
On the 28th we left for Los Angeles, the rival city of San Francisco; it's a city of pleasures, health and business. If San Francisco is compared to Nice and Genoa, Los Angeles is Cannes. We went by way of Santa Barbara, which is like the Menton of this coastline.16 On our way into Los Angeles we were greeted by orange groves, villas and gardens of flowering bougainvillea and mimosa. I am staying with the Vincentians who run a fine high school, Saint Vincent's, where English, French and Spanish are taught. I met a Spanish priest here, Father Daniel Rio Frio, who gave me some news about our old friend from Ecuador, Father Julio Matovelle.17This week Fr. Dehon travels to Los Angeles and San Diego. It is interesting that even in 1910 Fr. Dehon would compare LA to Cannes. Evidently he was aware of the developing motion picture industry which shortly will hold it's annual Oscar Awards (March 26th).