SCJ World News |
In this week's Meet an SCJ we feature Luc Coursol from the Region of French Canada. Next week we will begin to feature scjs from South Africa.We have received two articles from the Generalate concerning hot spots around the world that are of special interest to scjs.
Kisangani -- a short report from the Red Cross on the June military conflict
The Conflict in the Moluccas, Indonesia
In addition Bob Bossie (US) sent us an article from The Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace on a recent protest in Japan over debt in the third world (cf. Drop the Debt).
ESLThe English as a Second Language Program (ESL) opened its doors this summer to a new group of students. Most of us are SCJs. Those from our International College in Rome are: Jose Carlos Briñón (VEN), Juan Jose Arnáiz (HI), Jose Luis Domínguez (HI), and Izaú Calvacante (BS)
Besides our Roman students, we are Manuel Briñón (HI), Luca Buccheri (IS), Carlos Frick (VEN), Osnildo Klann (BM), Alceu Weber (ZA), Emerson Guimaraes (BM), Yulius Sunardi (IN) Joseph Kurkowski (IN), Blasius Sukoto (IN), and Jean-Marie Signie (CM).
In addition to the scjs we have Juan Ayala, Rubén Herrera, Joshua Vargas and Alexander del Toro, seminarians, originally from Mexico studying for the diocese of Rockford, Illinois. Also, we have Marian Kolodziejczyk (MCF) and Bogdan Konarzewski, (CM), both Missionaries from Poland.
We also have Ms. Maria Paola Mosca a young lay woman who works in St. Martino Martire Parish, Bissano North Italy. Several students won't arrive until the 28th of September.
This mixture of nationalities, personalities, and languages are taught by three ESL instructors, Allegra Troiano, Jean Garrity, and Amy Bach and coordinated by Paul Grizzelle-Reid (US), better known as St. Paul of Hales Corners and Mother Theresa.
During the course of the program we hope to offer interviews and reports on some of the important events.
Carlos Frick (VEN)
A website from Irene
What a pleasant surprise to see you at the SCJ celebration in Delaware [Ontario]. I was so happy that, after all this time, and your very busy schedules, you still remembered me. I follow you in all your activities through the SCJ web site, which I must say has become extremely interesting. The conference in Brazil, opened a new world, with the many pictures and accounts. It truly is a web page I never miss each week. I travel all over the world, as I have said before, without leaving this room...what a wonderful accomplishment in technology (The India site is beautiful and most interesting)
At the celebration I quickly mentioned to you that I made a very simple SCJ memorial web page on the early days 1950-1996. During the time of putting it together, I received some help from various Fathers but mostly it is as I remember it, and for this reason it is written from the heart. With the exception of one or two deceased Fathers, they have all been in my home. I knew them very well. I remember how hard they worked in this parish in the early years and it has bothered me for a long time ... that they come and go... and that is it.!!! I even found a copy of the Mass of Aug. 13/53 from the Dutch picnic in Delaware, but in Dutch, which I plan to have translated. It was with a bunch of papers for the "burn barrel" I was a getting ready to dispose of.
Anyway Father I have a domain address for the site as of today: I hope it works! When my daughter sent the address through the guest book, it was coming in on my other web page, http://www.the-golden-years However now I think we have them separated. I hope you feel my SCJ web page is worthy of the effort that was put forth in building it.
A Parade!
Two Hemispheres Bandwagon pulled by 40 Belgium HorsesDue to travel plans it proved necessary to write this week's web pages while enjoying the Great Circus Parade on the streets of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The high point of each year's parade is the 40 horse hitch (10 rows, 4 a breast) driven by Paul Sparrow of Zearing, Iowa.
+ Fr. Pedro Inocêncio Warmeling BMborn: 24.04.1915
first profession: 19.12.1942
ordained: 11.10.1942
died: 15.07.2000 at Curitiba, Brazil![]()
+Fr. Giuseppe Zanetti MZborn: 18.10.1938
firstprofession 29.09.1958
ordained: 23.06.1958
died: 17.07.2000 at NaburiWhile he was returning from a visit to Naburi he collapsed and died. Fr. Zenetti was born at Ciano d'Enza, Italy and came to the Mozambique missions in 1969.
from Alessandro Capoferri
Provincial Secretary.
Stefan Tertünte follows up last weeks photo showing the devastation of Saint Quentin caused during World War I with a photo of St. John's and comments by Fr. Dehon (Cf. The College St. John during World War I ).In four small unpublished books Fr. Dehon describes in a much more personal and detailed way than he does in the Notes Quotidiennes what happened in Saint-Quentin from 1914 until the evacuation in 1917. Under the title "St. John [college] the Instituion" we read:
In the sixth excerpt from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, who offers the following comment on this letter of October 5, 1878.Fr. Rasset has a great devotion to the Virgin. That is why his name was Alphonse Maria. Fr. Rasset, like the Sister Servants of the Sacred Heart, are concerned for Fr. Dehon's health. For a Sunday, Fr. Rasset's program of activities were heavy for a novice.