SCJ World News |
Please make note of the following changes we have received from the provincial office in São Paolo:New e-mail address for the provincial offices, in São Paulo:
Telephone has changed for these houses in São Paulo (BM)
The new email address will be changed on our website at the next update.
- Provincial Offices (S. Paulo IV): 5548-9466; 5522-1552; fax: 5522-7331
- Centro Dehoniano de Comunicação (São Paulo V): 5539-6689; fax: 5539-6708
We have received two new articles for the Education Section, in preparation for next year's July Education Conference in Spain.
Leo DEHON: Pesquisa - Research - Ricerca - Recherche by Egidio Driedonkx CH. This is a listing by Driedonkx of writings about Education by Fr. Dehon and is available in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese.
SAINT- JEAN AVANT LA GUERRE 1877 - 1917 by Léon Dehon.
This is available in French and Portuguese (St. John's College Before the War 1877 - 1917 by Leo Dehon).In our Meet an SCJ we feature from the Cameroon this week Joseph Kuate from Bandjoun (West Cameroon).
Bishop Antonio da Sousa Braga, scj, bishop of the Azores, Bishop Manuel Neto Quintas, scj, auxiliary bishop of Algarve, and Umberto Chiarello,scj, vicar-general
On September 3, 2000, D. Manuel Neto Quintas, scj was ordained bishop. The ceremony took place in the packed cathedral of Silves, which is the old Episcopal headquarters of the diocese of Algarve, where he will serve as auxiliary bishop.
Bishop Manuel Madureira of Algarve was the ordaining bishop. He has also ordained Bishop Braga, scj, bishop of the Azores and Jose Rafael, bishop of Bragança, where Bishop Quintas was born. Most of the bishops of Portugal were present, along with the Apostolic Delegate. Dehonians present included Fr. Umberto Chiarello, vicar - general, Fr. Aquiline, provincial of the Spanish Province, and confreres representing all the scj communities in Portugal. They wished to give their thanks and appreciation to the new bishop for his six years of service to the province and congregation as provincial superior, as well as offering their best wishes and support for his new apostolic ministry.
To the following novices from the Portuguese Province who took their first vows on September 21, 2000, in Aveiro:
Victor Manuel Guerra Vaz da Silva
Daniel Paulo Gonçalves Rocha
José Luís Ferreira Coelho de Sousa
Adelino Manuel Dias Ferreira
José Domingos Moreira da Costa FerreiraThey will now go to Alfragide (Lisbon) to start studying Philosophy.
To the following novices from the Polish Province, representing several regions of Eastern Eurogpe, who made their first profession on September 24, 2000 at Stopnica:
Wlodzimierz Bielokonnyj -- Ukraine
Maksym Boczrnikow -- Russia
Szczepan Bysiek --Poland
Grzegorz Gakiewicz -- Poland
Marek Mazur -- Poland
Ruslan Pgebnyj --Moldavia
Radoslaw Warenda -- Poland
Adrian Watroba PolandRome -- Ongoing Formation
Start of Class day (fifth floor of the International College)
On September 4, 17 SCJ began taking part in the Ongoing Formation program for Portuguese speakers, under the coordination of Fr. Osnildo Klann.
They hale from BM (10) , BS (1), LU (2), MAD (3), MZ (1). In the following weeks we will be posting more details about them and the program. During the first week they studied The Psychology of Personality under the direction of a Claretian Brother.
Starting the first week of October we will begin featuring them in our Meet an SCJ section.
From right to left Wieslaw Swiech, scj PO (second councilor of Region's administration), Zenon Strykowski, scj PO, Jan Aarts, scj NE, Teemu Sippo, scj GE, Kazimierz Lewandowski, scj PO (superior of the Region), Virginio Bressanelli, scj CU (Superior General), Jan Koolen, scj NE, Ryszard Mis, scj CU (councilor general of the Congregation), Frans Voss, scj NE (first councilor of Region's administration), Stanislaw Szymajda, scj PO, Zdzislaw Huber, scj PO (treasurer of Finnish Region), Peter Gebara, scj PO.From September 2nd to the 9th Fr. General and Ryszard Mis made their visitation to the Region of Finland.
All the members of the Finnish Region met with them in Stella Maris from September 4-6, 2000. The focus of the meeting was the situation in the region.
During this gathering the new regional administration nominated Zdzislaw Huber as treasurer for the Finnish Region.
Hales Corners
Emilio Ciarrocchi, general treasurer, expounds on financial matters to
members of the general finance commission and treasurers and guests
from the North American SCJ Geo-Cultural Zone.
+P Daniel Eyralar Goizueta HIborn: 11.12.1914
professed: 24.09.1927
ordained: 08.09.1939
died: 07.09.2000 in Palencia, Spain
+P Mario Moraschetti
born: 08.10.1934
professed: 29.09.1953
ordained: 23.06.1963
died: 13.09.2000 in Saviore, ItalyFr. Mario always wanted to be a missionary. So, immediately after his ordination (1963) he was sent to Argentina. He first worked in Buenos Aires, and then in Maciel, at the minor seminary, in General San Martin, Malagueño then back to Buenos Aires, in the Barrio Sarmiento. He was known for his dedication towards the humble, children, sick and poor.
He returned to Italy in 1993 and was assigned to take care of the sick and elderly people in the parish of Christ the King, in Milan. In 1995 he wrote: "I am entrusted to care for the sick.. They are plenty. So, I'm out all day long. I take care of the third age group, a missionary, St. Vincent De Paul Society, Caritas and Catholic Action. I feel quite well in the community".
In 1977 he was assigned to the parish of Saviore. His sickness became known in the last few months and finally brought him to death. We will always remember him as a very humble religious , dedicated to his brothers and one who was always smiling.
IS provincial offices
In the fifteenth in our series from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, we present excerpts from a letter by Emilio Pedro de la Natividad Bertrand who entered the novitiate on June 6, 1881 and made his first profession on June 8, 1883.“El día de ayer será para toda mi vida un recuerdo de gratas emociones. Como dice el buen P. Francisco Lamour, no sé si la eternidad bastaría para comprender la grandeza y la sublimidad de nuestra vocación. Llamados a consolar al Corazón de Jesús, a llegar a ser sus amigos íntimos, qué gracia, qué privilegio incomparable...."