SCJ World News |
29 April 2000
Antonio Cuomo (IM) has written a short article in Italian on the Eucharist that he thought would be of interest as we enter the Easter Season. The article L'Eucaristia: cuore della nostra vocazione dehoniana, is available in Italian.As the General Conference draws near we are adding an article by Francis de Sales(IN) who received a Master Degree in Journalism from Marquette University several years ago and now works in communications for the diocese of Palembang in Indonesia. He wrote the following reflection on the Media and Globalization: The Impact of Media Globalization on Local Culture. It will also be added to the General Conference page as document # 36.
In this week's Meet an SCJ we feature a young candidate for the Region of French Canada. Élie Muzungu Kasongo Ngoy is originally from Kinshasa but has lived in Montreal since 1992 and is now a Canadian citizen.
The Office of Justice & Peace at Rome I received a press release from the Missionaries of Comboni BREAK THE SILENCE - PEACE FOR AFRICA. Given the current state of affairs in much of Africa the efforts of the Comboni should be of interest to all.
CongratulationsTo our Superior General Virginio Bressanelli who will celebrate his 58th birthday on May first.
To Giampietro Brunet (IS) who was recently nominated for a five year term (as of January 2, 2000) as Secretary of the Presbytery Commission of the Italian Bishops Conference.
Provincial Appointment
The General Superior, with the consent of his council, has appointed the provincial administration for the Province of Zaire (ZA) -- The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Their term of office will commence on July 1, 2000.
Provincial: Dino Ruaro (first triennium)
Remodeled Villa Aurelia Chapel Opens
- p. Franciszek Kuchta
- p. Martin Konings
- p. Eligio Stülp
- p. Zénon Sendeke Mouzho
- p. Giovanni Pross
- p. Augustin Ihwa Litindi
The side chapel to be used by guests of Villa Aurelia was used for the first time on Holy Thursday serving as the Adoration Chapel for Rome I & II Holy Thursday Liturgical Celebration. The art and floral arrangements were done by Juan José Arnáiz Ecker (HI) and José Luis Domínguez González (HI) both students at the International College.
Villa Aurelia Chapel on Holy Thursday
The Provincial Office in Lisbon sent us an updated photo of their recently appointed provincial superior. The one used on our website (cf. SCJ News Page for 16.04.2000) was twenty years old.
José Ornelas Caravalho (LU)
newly appointed provincial superiorMozambique
The following link will take you to Easter Greetings from the SCJs of Mozambique
We hope to have Stefan Tertünte's next commentary on the Dehon Photo's in next week's edition.
In general, North Americans are very hospitable. They include in their ranks the Anglo-Saxons, French, Germans, Italians, and Slavs. Their customs and ways influence each other, and they form one people among themselves. But there are races they don't want to assimilate with because they consider them (102) inferior and deserving of contempt because of their moral or physical stature; these are the races of color: the Black, the Yellow and the Red.As Fr. Dehon ends his visit to North American he continues his observations. In this week's excerpt he examines people of color in the Untied States (CF The Peoples of Color in the United States). It is interesting to compare his observations made in 1910 with what the current situation is in the US in the year 2000.
Easter Greetings from Roma I & II