10 June 2001
Address ChangesPlease make note of these changes in telephone numbers in several Provinces:
All houses in Minas Gerais: Lavras II, Lavras III, Formiga, Varginha I, Varginha II add an extra # 3 before the local number for example: Lavras II (035) 382-24605EF: The house in Clairefontaine has only one number: (093) 240-180São Bento do Sul I: (047) 633-5057; 633-5953
IS: New Padova I (parrocchia del SS. Crocifisso) addresses
fax: (049) 882-5971Fall Mission Meeting
e-mail: parrocchia@crocifissonet.itMilano II (Cristo Re): fax: (02) 2570-7805
In preparation for the November meeting of mission animators Ryszard Mis (CU), responsible for this sector will be publishing brief articles on scj missions around the world. The first one is about the scj mission in Albania. We will be adding a mission page in preparation for this encounter.
Feast of the Sacred Heart 2001
We are posting to the letters and documents page Fr. General's message for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, dated May 31, 2001. This year's theme: The Future of the Congregation. Please note, at present we are posting the Italian original and will add other languages as they become available.
Justice & Peace
The office of Justice & Peace in Rome is distributing a sample letter to US President George Bush asking him to reconsider his recent Kyoto Protocol decision which has global implications for the environment. You are urged to either send this sample letter or use it as a model for one of your own (cf. Sample Letter to President Bush on Kyoto Protocol).
NB. There are two ways to send this letter either by mail or email. Please note, given the volume of email the White House receives daily a letter by post may have more impact.
CongratulationsNew Administration
The Superior General with the consent of his council has appointed the following administration for Roma II (International College):
Superior: Czeslaw Konior (PO) -- 2nd term
Treasurer: Br. Marek Skórski (PO)
- Osnildo Klann (BM) -- director of ongoing formation
- Rafael Conçalves da Costa (LU) -- director of Central Studies
- Jesús Crescenciano García García (VEN) -- student
- Stefan Tertünte (GE) -- student and part time Central Studies
New Doctor
Marcial Maçaneiro (BM)Marcial Maçaneiro will be defending his dissertation in Dogmatic Theology at the Gregorian University in Rome, on 13 July 2001. The title of his dissertation is DEUS PAI E SEU AMOR SALVÍFICO EM ALGUNS DOCUMENTOS DE PAULO VI E JOÃO PAULO II (God the Father and His saving love in selected documents of Paul VI and John Paul II).
He was one of the moderators at the International Vocations Conference, held at Lavras in 1999. He will be teaching at the SCJ School of Theology in Taubaté, SP, Brazil.
Bishop elect Gaetano di Pierro (MAD)The Holy Father has appointed Fr. Gaetano di Pierro (MAD) as the auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Ambatondrazaka. He was born in Orta Nova, Italy in 1948. He made his first profession of vows in 1965 and was ordained in 1975. Shortly after ordination he was sent to Madagascar. He is currently working in Andreba and serves as vice-superior of the region. His address is: (cf. the letter dated June 2, 2001, from Umberto Chiarello, vicar general).
P. Gaetano di Pierro, scj
Mission Catholique
B.P. 7
503 Andreba-Gare L.A.
The Spanish religious news agency (Agencia Española de Noticias de Vida Religiosa) published an article on the Dehonian Family dated May 28, 2001: RELIGIOUS AND LAY DEHONIANS FORM A FAMILY
Youth Ministry
The following note came from Hugh Hanley clarifying those in the British-Irish Province responsible for Youth Ministry.
Just had a look at the web page and my mug shot etc. I must look at the web page more often, but as I said before I seem to spend half of my day at the laptop, so to go into the web is not my idea of fun.
I noticed that I am down as the contact for England for Youth Ministry.
Maybe that should be down as Jim Matthews at dehonhouse@callnet.uk.com . If you want to keep me on I am not 'cajok' but mailto:hugh@project2030.fsnet.co.uk I see that John Kelly is down for Ireland, so you could even stick me under Scotland to give us an extra contact, as I also operate from Kilwinning.
John and I are not long back from the meeting in Chicago. It went well and they spoiled us there as in Milwaukee.
Hugh Hanley
+ P. Pierre Verscheure (EF)Born: 26.12.1921
First Profession: 17.10.1942
Ordination: 10.07.1949
Died: 01.06.2001 at Mougins, France