19 May 2001
New FeatureIn case you have not noticed it a new feature was added to our website on Saturday, May 12, 2001. It is now possible to search the entire scj website (including archives) for documents using the local SCJ Search Engine. The search engine can be found in the left hand frame in the light blue section just under the heading Guest Book.
Email Update
We are posting an updated email page to our website. Please note, this list is of scj houses, and not individual scjs. The secretary general's office does not currently keep on file individual scj email addresses.
We are posting to the Salamanca Dehonian Education Conference page an article from the National Assembly for Italian Catholic Schools that appeared in "Documento Chiese Locali 98, Edizioni Dehoniane, Bologna 2000, pp. 18-29" -- Carta d'impegni programmatici della scuola cattolica. The article is available only in Italian.
British-Irish ProvinceHugh Hanley, a former provincial superior of the British-Irish Province, has forwarded a biography we will add to our Meet an SCJ Page. He also explains his current work in developing Project 2030 an effort to work with young adults in England, Ireland and Scotland.
My name is Hugh Hanley. I was born in Port Glasgow, Scotland, in 1951. I am a member of the British-Irish Province. I made my First Profession in 1970. On September 4, 2001, I will be celebrating my 25th anniversary of ordination, just after my 50th birthday.
[photo of Dehon Statue taken from
the SCJ Indian District website]Leonard Zaworski (IND) has notified us that the SCJ Indian website has been updated with new photos taken when:
The members of the SCJ India District gathered together for the 2nd District Assembly. The District Assembly takes place once a year. It is a time when important issues are discussed and decided on, issues that will shape the future of the SCJ presence in India. The Assembly took place at the SCJ Formation Community, Dehon Vidya Sadhan, in Aluva, Kerala, April 2 - 5, 2001.
The superior general with the consent of his council meeting on May 8, 200, appointed the following provincial administration to take office on July 15, 2001:
Provincial Superior: p. Paulus Sugino (2nd term)
Provincial Council
- p. Yohanes Samiran
- p. Youhanes Baulbertus Marwoto
- p. Cornelius Dwijo Sukarno
- p. Andreas Madya Srijanto
On June 17, 2001 in the parish of Our Lady of Fatima, Ambohimirary, Bishop Jean-Paul Randriamanana will ordain the first Malagasy scj to the diaconate, Gabriel Christin Dimby Rahavanolona.
MSA: A Website for Aldo Marchesini, priest and doctor
Fr. Aldo Marchesini (MZ), is a scj doctor/missionary working in Mozambique since 1974. The Italian volunteer association MSA (Medical Support for Africa), has raised funds for him in the past have now established their own website: http://www.tarozzi.net/donaldo/index.html .
The site speaks about the works of the association: They have assisted the provincial hospital at Quelimane where Fr. Aldo has worked since 1981. In addition to sending medical supplies the association has sent medical staff from various medical and surgical specialties to assist Fr. Aldo. On the website there is also a brief biography of Fr. Aldo, a listing of his writings and some recent photos.
Carta #20
Alessandro Capoferri, provincial secretary, has forwarded their province bulletins which we have been publishing on our website (CF. Cartas #20).
The general council has ended its spring meetings and has begun summer travels. Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (CU) is currently in Indonesia taking part in the first All Asian SCJ Justice & Peace Conference. Fr. General is attending the spring assembly of the (USG Union of Superior Generals), he will then travel to the US for his pastoral visitation during the month of June and then on to South Brazil for a six week pastoral visitation of Province of South Brazil (total membership 320 scjs*) and its two regions:
MAR:Maranhão -- 22 scjs
RBM: Region of South Brazil -- 118 scjs*figures taken from Elenchus 2000
The Rome I & II communities bid farewell to Fr. Joshy Mayyattil of the diocese of Cochin who is returning to India after completing his licentiate in Sacred Scripture.
The Portuguese Province has established a website aimed at young dehonians: http://jd.ecclesia.pt/