20 January 2001
Meet an SCJ presents the second in the four part series on the history of SCJs from the British-Irish Province who studied in Belgium from 1937 to 1947. This series was written by Gerard Jordan (BH), at the request of the Vocations-Formation Commission of the British - Irish Province in 1999.XXth Century SCJ Martyrs
In preparation for the March 11th Beatification of Fr Juan de la Cruz García Méndez scj of our Spanish Province (HI) we will be presenting a weekly series on our "SCJ Martyrs of the XXth Century." This series has been prepared by Stefan Tertünte (GE) using the work of Fr. Bernd Bothe (GE) Märtyrer der Herz-Jesu-Priester (SCJ Martyrs). This week features the stories of Frs. Josef Benedikt Stoffels and. Nicolas Antonius Wampach.
Joseph Benedikt Stoffels, scj
Nicolas Antonius Wampach, scj
13.01.01 Introduction 20.01.01 Frs. Josef Benedikt Stoffels and. Nicolas Antonius Wampach 27.01.01 Fr. Mariano Johannes García Mendez 03.02.01 Fr. Franz Stanislaus Loh 10.02.01 Fr. Kristiaan Hubertus Muermans 17.02.01 Fr. Nicola Martino Capelli 24.02.01 Dutch SCJs in Indonesia 03.03.01 SCJs in the Congo Letter to Major Superiors
Posted to the Letters and Documents section this week is a letter from Fr. General dated December 27, 2000, to all scj major superiors convoking their November meeting here in Rome and outlining expectations for this meeting, as well as for the other major international scj gatherings planned for 2001 (cf. Prot. N. 298/2000). This letter is available in English, French and Italian.
BrazilSocial Doctrine
The program on the Social Doctrine of the Church began in Taubaté (BM), on January 8, 2001 and runs until January 26th. There are 32 participants from every corner of Brazil. Among them are 6 priests, 9 religious men and women and 17 lay people. Fr. Carlos Alberto from the General Curia gave the program introduction.
Dedication in Memory of +Fr. Paulo Punt (BS)
The above invitation reads: The Mayor of Tamandaré (Pernambuco, Brazil), Paulo Guimarães dos Santos, has the honor of inviting you to a concelebrated Mass to be held on December 15th of this year [2000] at 6:00 PM in the Colonia dei Pescatori on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the death of Fr. Paulo Punt. Following the Mass there will be the dedication of Fr. Paulo Punt Square and the unveiling of his bust.
NB Fr. Adrianus Paulus Punt died on December 15, 1975 in Tamandaré, Brazil. He was a member of the North Brazilian Province.
Francis Xavier Herru Atmaja, provincial secretary, has passed along the ordination and first profession 2001 anniversary list for the Indonesian Province. Please note you can find a listing for the entire congregation ordination and first profession 2001 anniversaries on the Letters & Documents page.
Bishop Braga receiving the consecration of Teresa Maria Afonso do ValeIn Our Lady of Fatima chapel at our seminary in Alfragide (Lisbon, Portugal), on November 16, 2000, Bishop Antonio de Sousa Braga, scj of Angra in the Azores received the consecration of Teresa Maria Afonso do Vale, according to the Order of Virgins (can. 604), and with the ritual approved by the Church.
As Bishop Braga explained in his beautiful homily this consecration creates a canonical tie between the newly consecrated person and the Church of the Azores, and is expressed according to the charism of Fr. Dehon.
Teresa Maria vocational journey lead her to the Marian Family of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and her desire to make this consecration in the dehonian spirit of love, oblation and reparation and with the hope that the FMCJs will flourish as one of the components of the Dehonian Family.
From Oliviero Girardi (IS)
Vocation directors from all over Europe met in Rome, January 16-17, 2001, included in their agenda was an evaluation of last year's Dehonian Youth Encounter which coincided with the World Youth Day in Rome.
+P. Franciszek Kazimierz Solak (PO)born: 10.02.1908
first profession: 25.12.1927
ordained: 16.07.1932
died: 12.01.2001 at Kraków, PolandNB. Fr. Solak was the oldest member of the Polish Province.
In the twenty-ninth in our series from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, we present a letter written to the novice Legrand on February 23, 1881.I am writing from the library of the university in the midst of over 30 students, sending you our greetings and those of Abbe Debout who celebrates his names day. Abbe Debout is here with me and asks me to tell you how much he appreciated when during supper you came to speak with the Superior to tell him about someone who was ill at the novitiate.
Seminary Chapel window at Aluva (Kerala), India