25 August 2001
Justice & PeaceThe following email was received regarding the situation of Catholics in China.
We request your support of this meritorious initiative that originated in Buenos Aires, Latin America, in favor of 12 million Chinese Catholics, whom are presently persecuted by the communist regime. Please read the attached report and send a message in protest (it can be done in any language, preferably in English) to the Chinese embassies in the United States, Argentina, Geneva and the United Nations (please see links below). We have been collaborating for years, via Internet, in the cause of the liberation of Cuba, and also in the denouncement of the communist narco-guerillas of Colombia.
Greetings and many thanks. Sincerely, Giovanni Han Zhimin
NewsFromChina@siii.net Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, MA USAPlease Note
1. Due to travel by your editor there will be no news update next week (Saturday, September 1, 2001).
2. This will be the last week we have a Spanish edition until we are able to locate an scj willing to assume the task of providing a Spanish translation of the news. We would like to thank Juan José Arnaiz (HI) for his labors as our Spanish language translator during the past year while completing his studies in Rome.
Tom Cassidy (CU)
From 18th to 20th of August 2001 the Lay Dehonians of Argentina held their Nation Assembly in Maciel.The theme of this Assembly was "The Laity is for the solidarity and participation."
Their slogan: "Nobody has to defeat the love for the people" (Fr. Leo Dehon) The argument: "The Social and Political Participation of the Laity.
This argument is extremely up to date, taken with the tragic economic situation happening in Argentina. The number of unemployed and underemployed is the highest in the last 50 years, i.e., 30% of the population. Among the economic measure adopted/applied is the reduction of the pensions by 15%, which in fact is so low that 80% of the pensioners receive less than 300 dollars.
This argument was presented by the group of the laity of Pérez, and the Evangelical Views was presented by Mgr. Marcello Palentini, scj. There were about 80 participants, representing Lay Dehonians from Brazil, Chile and Venezuela. A lay and religious representatives from the USA were also in attendance.
The next Assembly of Lay Dehonians of Latin-America will be held in Chile next year
H. Wardjito (CU) and Umberto Chiarello (CU)Congratulations
Rome, 12th August 2001.Congo
On June 24, 2001, at Kisangani Norbert Masaze was ordained to the priesthood and on July 29, 2001, Philemon Kongo, from the scj parish of St. Clemens at Makalie in Kinshasa, was also ordained to the priesthood.
Pawel Krok (ZA)South Africa
Paul Tiragalo Ntwe from Lobatse in Botswana made his final profession July 28, 2001 in Aliwal North. His mother and brother and representatives of his home parish were present [Provided by Adam Maslowski (AM)].
United States
On August 12, four SCJs of the U.S. Province made their final profession of vows at Sacred Heart Monastery in Hales Corners, Wis. They were received by newly elected provincial superior Fr. Richard MacDonald, SCJ.
Those making their final profession included: Joseph Thiên Dinh, David Szatkowski, Hà Mình Trân and Charles Wonch. In their own words, they talk about themselves and their vocations (Cf. Fridge Note article for more information on the four finally professed scjs.)
Umberto Chiarello (CU) reports on the recent ordination of Gaetano Di Pierro, scj, as the auxiliary bishop of Ambatondrazaka on August 5, 2001. Zolile Mpambani, general councilor responsible for Africa and Umberto Chiarello, vicar general represented the general administration at the ordination.
Born: 16.02.1941
First Profession: 29.09.1957
Died: 15.08.2001 at Albino, Italy