27 January 2001
Meet an SCJ presents the third in the four part series on the history of SCJs from the British-Irish Province who studied in Belgium from 1937 to 1947. This series was written by Gerard Jordan (BH), at the request of the Vocations-Formation Commission of the British - Irish Province in 1999.XXth Century SCJ Martyrs
In preparation for the March 11th Beatification of Fr Juan de la Cruz García Méndez scj of our Spanish Province (HI) we will be presenting a weekly series on our "SCJ Martyrs of the XXth Century." This series has been prepared by Stefan Tertünte (GE) using the work of Fr. Bernd Bothe (GE) Märtyrer der Herz-Jesu-Priester (SCJ Martyrs). This week features his story: P. Juan María de la Cruz, scj -- Martyr of the Religious Persecution during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).
13.01.01 Introduction 20.01.01 Frs. Josef Benedikt Stoffels and. Nicolas Antonius Wampach 27.01.01 Fr. Mariano Johannes García Mendez 03.02.01 Fr. Franz Stanislaus Loh 10.02.01 Fr. Kristiaan Hubertus Muermans 17.02.01 Fr. Nicola Martino Capelli 24.02.01 Dutch SCJs in Indonesia 03.03.01 SCJs in the Congo New websites
The Spanish Province (HI) has opened a province website at www.scj.es it will be added to our links page. In addition the province is working on another website aimed at youth this site at www.gabrielgarcia.com/ende is still under construction. It too will be added to the links page.
At the request of the European vocation directors who met in Rome last week we hope to open a section of our links page to scj websites dedicated to youth work and vocation ministry. If you have a site or are aware of an scj site of this nature please forward their url to tomc@scj.org.
Justice & Peace
Stefan Tertünte recommends the World Social Forum/Fórum Social Mundial at http://www.worldsocialforum.org/ as an excellent source of information on global issues. It is available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
This week we will be adding to the Salamanca Conference an article in Spanish by Luis Marcelo Mora Cabello published in 1989 entitled: La Mision Ecelsial y Congregacional de la Educación Católica
Deacon Valdir Manuel dos Santos Fiho (BS) will be ordained to the priesthood by Dom Bernadino Marchió, Bishop of Pesqueira on January 26, 2001 in the Church of Martriz de Santana Catende at 7:00 PM.
Deacon Arlindo Laurindo de Matos Júnior (BS) will be ordained to the priesthood by Dom Antônio Fernando Saburido, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Olinda and Recife on February 2, 2001 in the church of Santa Clara at 7:30 PM. Finland
On Saturday, January 27, 2001 Cardinal Edward Cassidy will consecrate Józef Wróbel (PO) bishop of Helsinki. Bishop Wróbel was born on October 18, 1952, made his first profession on December 28, 1974, and was ordained on June 12, 1980. He was nominated to by Pope John Paul II on November 30, 2000. We hope to have further information in next week's news update.
January 27, 2001, will mark the 50th anniversary of the laying of the corner stone for the Generalate, according to the Chroniques du Collège International "Leo Dehon" 1953 -1958.
The Superior General with the consent of his council has prolonged the term of Adriano Borst (NE) as Congregational Archivist until December 31, 2001 in order to:
- complete the organization of the Dehonian Archive
- continue organizing the Congregational Library
- prepare a new archivist
During the 58th Assembly of the Union of Superiors General, Fr. Virginio Bressanelli, scj, was elected a member of the Council of 18 for the 2000-2003 triennium. The council consists of nine superior generals from male religious communities and nine from female communities. Their principal task is to advise the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
NB. due to technical difficulties we are forced to suspend our series Letters from the First Novices.
Seminary Chapel window at Aluva (Kerala), India