02 February 2002
IndiaThe SCJ Indian Website: http://home.talkcity.com/DharmaDr/scjindia/ has been updated to include photos of the dedication of the novitiate and minor seminary. We had published a notice of this several weeks ago, but the move and lack of phone connection, along with illness delayed Leonard Zaworski from updating the site.
From the beautiful island of Madeira at the feet of the Sanctuary of our Lady the SCJ minor seminary of http://www.members.netmadeira.com/colegioinfante/home.htm has published a website. We will add this site to our links page:
P. Ferdinando, scj
Marking the 100th day of captivity of Fr. Giuseppi Pierantoni the general administration published it's 5th Communiqué on his situation.
On January 12th we published a letter from Fr. General on the Dehonian Family. At that time it was available only in Italian we now have the official English and French text as well. You can link to the page here (Prot.N. 263/2001) or find it on our Letters and Documents page.
CongratulationsOn February 2 the following novices from the South Brazilian Province made their first profession of vows at the novitiate in Jaraguá do Sul:
- Adelar Alcindo de Lima
- André Luiz Tavolaro da Silva
- Ângelo José Adão
- Antonio Carlos Reis Gonçalves
- Claudio Neves da Silva
- Cleuber Alves da Silva
- Darildo da Silva
- Edmundo Monteiro Soares
- Edson José das Dores Junior
- Irineu da Silva Apolinário
- Jair Alves da Costa
- Nilson Helmann
- Ricardo Joaquim
- Sérgio Fábio Brevi
- Vanderson Cesar Campos
- Vitor de Jesus Nascimento
- Willyans Prado Rapozo
Our webmaster, Zdzislaw Huber, sent along four photos of his recent outing with the parish alter boys from St. Mary's parish in Helsinki. This week he's off to Lapland, and that trip may cause a delay in the posting of the news.
Latin America
The following SCJs are taking part in the program in preparation for final vows in Camaragibe (Recife):
Levi dos Anjos Ferreira (BM), Claudinei Vicente de Moura (BM), Ronilton Souza de Araujo (BM), Ari Erthal (RBM), Claudio Piontkevicz (RBM), Paulo Riffel (RBM), Alexsandro Ferreira Marinho (BS), Marcos Antonio Alves da Silva (BS) and Ricardo Menay Pino (CH). This yearly program is held in various places and takes six weeks.
(The picture includes Delio Ruiz (AU) who was leading the group during this stage of their program.
South Brazil
The course on Social Doctrine of the Church in Taubaté - BM finished on January 25th, there were 44 participants including priests, nuns and lay people. New this year were the large number of young diocesan priests who took part in the course. It was the first course promoted on behalf of the new state recognized Dehonian Faculty of Taubaté.
The annual assembly of the Region of Venezuela finished on January 25th. This year the main point centered on how to become a new province or region (nullius) in the Congregation. Work on future provincial or regional directory began -- work was hard and intense during the four days in the house of El Jarillo, Los Teques. Other documents required by the General Curia to create the province or regions were also drafted.
TWENTIETH MEETING OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FROM ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE-Fr. Dehon offered from his own diary a summary and commentary of this gathering. "We had a meeting with the alumni. This year, the attendance was not very large. I offered a presentation on pessimism and despair. I summarize it with: 'there will come a time of persecution when you will disperse. But have faith because I have overcome the world." (John 16:32-33) We face these dark times when every work of Christ seems dangerous. Power is in the hands of the Masons and yet this is not the greatest of dangers. Objections disturb your soul and shake your faith. I will expose and reject two principle arguments that blind and bring tension to our souls.
+Fr. Petrus Abdiputrarahaja (IN)
Born: 16.06.1934
First profession: 08.09.1956
Ordained: 02.07.1961
Died: 26.01.2002 at Palembang, Indonesia
+ Fr. Alfons Ludger Nordlohne (AM)
Born: 26.09.1919
First profession: 11.10.1948
Ordained: 22.12.1951
Died: 28.01.2002 at Aliwal North, South AfricaFr. Alfons was under the care of the Holy Cross Sisters in Fatima House, Aliwal North since August 2001 where his condition steadily declined. Fr. Alfons was able, however, to celebrate his 50th anniversary of priestly ordination on January 22nd. His funeral will take place in Aliwal North on 1 February 2002 at 2.30 PM.
Fr. Marek Przybys, scj
Born: 15.08.1920
First profession: 29.09.1939
Ordained: 01.07.1947
Died: 29.01.2002 at Milan, Italy