2 November 2002
Dehonian Year Week XXXVI
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the
Congo - situation in MambasaPosted to the Letters & Documents page are the following documents which explain the sad and difficult situation in Mambasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo) after the city fell to the soldiers under Jean Pierre Bemba e Roger Lumbala.
Communicato sul Congo N. 3/2002
General Chapter
Provincial chapters were held in South Italy and the British-Irish Province last week. The South Italian Province decided to hold a second session in 2003. We are posting an updated Members of the Chapter page to our website:
South Italian Province
Antonio Pizzonia.
Enrico Iemma
Ciro Moschetta
Francisco Mazzzota
British-Irish Province
Chris Jenkins
Stephen Motorni
The congregational statistics as of 31.08.02 have been posted to the documents and letters page. Note in this update the changes for Canada and Congo. The two Canadian entities of CA and CGA are now "CAN" reflecting the creation of the new region in Canada and the new "CO" replacing "ZA" for the Congo reflecting the change in the name of the country.
France -- a response to the mystery?Last week Chris Jenkins (BH) thought this statue may be one of Noah. This week we here from Jack Nitzki (US) who writes:
Last week I was watching a video about Don Bernardo Strozzi, OFMCap, the famous renaissance painter. They showed a picture of one of the monasteries were Strozzi lived in Genoa. In one of the rooms of the monastery I saw a statue that looked just like yours, except the arms were low along the sides rather than raised up. What struck me were the similarities: the same bald head, the same long beard, the same type of clothing, including the cord and the cape. The narrator did not identify the statue, but it certainly seemed to me to be a Franciscan or Capuchin saints. I suggest you ask a Capuchin friend to identify the picture of the statue for you.
With fraternal best wishes, John Nitzki SCJ
If you can offer a concurring or contrary opinion please contact: jean-michel.saus@wanadoo.fr. We would, of course, appreciate a 'cc' to our website (tomc@scj.org) as well.
Click here for a larger view
SCJ Bishops
Bishop G. Dantas de Andrade meeting Pope John Paul II
Two SCJ Bishops were recently in Rome Mons. J. Wróbel, Bishop of Helsinki, came for pastoral reasons. Last week, Mons. G. Dantas de Andrade, auxiliary Bishop of S. Luis, Brazil, came for the visit Ad Limina.
On-going Formation
The Ongoing Formation Program in the spanish language has come to an end. At the end of September the group visited La Capelle, Brussel, Paray-le-Monial in France, Capiago in Italy and Freiburg in Germany. Before ending their program they had a three days retreat with Fr. Eduardo Perales (HI).
Here is this weeks Dehonian Historical and Spiritual Calendar. As previously noted the text is in Spanish with the Dehonian quotes in French. You can link to past weeks from the Letters & Documents section.Dehonian Historical & Spiritual Calendar for the week of: 04.11.02 -11.11.02