SCJ World News |
Spanish and Portuguese Commissions for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation in Rome have produced a document on the situation in Colombia. It will be posted to the Justice and Peace page in Spanish. The document is entitled: "Nos interesa colombia" Mapa del Conflicto.Peter Sanders recently wrote that in the June 2, 2000 issue of Commonweal there is an article entitled "Trading Up. Why globalization aids the poor." (p. 15-18). The article makes some fine distinctions regarding trade, labor unions and ecological concerns.
In this week's Meet an SCJ we hear from Fr. Battista Tarcisio Rota IS
who serves as the provincial archivist at the Provincial Curia in Milan. He begins his vocation story by saying: "I am increasingly won over to these words of Jesus: 'You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you'"
CongratulationsAntonio Cuomo (IM) was kind enough to inform us that Robert Ptak (PO) has received his License in Dogmatic Theology from the Gregorian University in Rome. His dissertation under the direction of Philip J. Rosato, sj was on: The Eucharist and Social Justice: The Bread of the Eucharistic Celebration a Sign of Fraternity and Justice.
Cuomo also sent a reflection Il Giubileo della Chiesa which can be linked here. It is available only in Italian.
The provincial of the Polish Province with the consent of his council has appointed a new administration for the Region of Finland effective August 1, 2000:
P. Kazimierz Lewandowski - superior (first term)
P. Frans Voss - first councilor
P. Wieslaw Swiech - second councilorAnglo Canada
On June 25, 2000, members of the Anglo-Canadian Province gathered in Delaware, Ontario to celebrate the establishment of the first scj community residence -- birthplace of the Anglo-Canadian Province. In 1948 Fathers John van Buuren and Alphonse van der Vorst of the Dutch Province arrived in Montréal. Their purpose was to strengthen the Canadian presence of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, who had arrived in Canada in 1910. They began by founding Sacred Heart Minor Seminary (1950-1969) which welcomed almost 450 students, six of whom became scj priests, seven members of the diocesan clergy and one a bishop. Other former students continue to make significant contributions in the fields of education, social services and in the life of the Church.![]()
Fr. Peter McKenna main celebrant at Sacred Heart ParishFr. Tom Cassidy (CU), representing the general administration along with representatives of the Dutch, Indonesian and the United States Provinces, as well as the Region of French Canada, the alumni of Sacred Heart Seminary and the parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish, founded by the scjs of Anglo-Canada joined with Anglo-Canadian scjs in a grace filled celebration marking this important milestone in the life of the province.
Peter McKenna (CA)
On June 30, 2000 the territory of Madagascar became a region nullius provinciae, in keeping with the document Structures of the Congregation and Forms of Government. Fr. General has sent a letter to major superiors marking this occasion. The letter dated June 22, 2000 has been posted to the Letters and Document page along with the offical decree p.n. 150. The first regional administration (cf. p.n. 151, also posted to the Letters and Documents page) will take office on June 30th.
P. Pasquale Marinucci, scj (first term)
P. Pedro Fernanddes Coutinho
P. Gaetano Di Pierro
P. Luís Alberto Rodrigues Dinis
P. Rocco NigroTreasuer: P. Stefano Sardini
+P Luigi Pigozzi (IS)
born: 21.05. 1924
first profession: 20.09.1943
ordained: 22.06.1952
died: 22:06.2000 at BolognanoHe was a professor of philosophy, provincial treasurer, superior of the scholasticate in Bologna, provincial superior of the North Italian province and general treasurer. He then severed as treasure at Vitorchiano and finally at Capiago. He was a member of the General Finance Commission from 1991 to 1997 (Cf. letter of June 22, 2000 from Fr. General).
Stefan Tertünte writes on the last of the three orginial photos presented last year lacking his commentary. this one is entitled P. Dehon during World War I in Saint-Quentin and begins:The photograph is taken in the garden of Sacred Heart House in Saint-Quentin during World War I (1914-1918). On August 28, 1914, the city was occupied by the Germans. For more than thirty months, Fr. Dehon is forced to remain in Saint-Quentin, living, according to its own expression, in "a long retreat ," during which he writes his Spiritual Last Will and Testament, leaving it to the Congregation "the Heart of Jesus as a most precious treasure."
In the third excerpt from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx (CH) Fr. Alfonse Maria Rasset writes to his sister reflecting on the Reign of Jesus Christ and His standards (1.3.).