SCJ World News |
08 April 2000
During the month of April we will be featuring scjs from the Franco European Province (EF). This week Bernard Pineau who made his first profession two years ago and is in third year of theology speaks about his vocation story.We have received an Italian translation of General Conference Document #26: ECONOMIA E REGNO DI DIO IL MESSAGGIO SOCIALE DI GESÚ NEL REGNO DI DIO. It will be added to the General Conference Page under #26.
The final in our series of documents recently published by the office of the general secretary listing the 1999 priestly ordinations has been posted to the letters and documents section (CF. 1999 Ordinations). All together there were 30 ordinations from six different provinces.
From Left to Right: Michel Burke, Paul Kelly, Deacon Quang Anh Nguyen and Rick DiLeo,
Quang's formation director at Catholic Theological Union (CTU) in Chicago.To Quang Anh Nguyen (US) who was ordained a deacon on April 1st at the Sacred Heart Monastery/Sacred Heart School of Theology chapel, Hales Corners, Wisconsin.
The Holy See has announced the appointment of Antonio Wagner da Silva (BM), pastor in Joinville as coadjutor bishop of Guarapuava, in the State of Paraná. Please see Umberto Chiarello's, vicar general, letter to the congregation on the appointment of the new bishop.
La Capelle
We have received a copy of the homily given by Umberto Chiarello (CU) on March 14, 2000 at the official opening of the SCJ Community of La Capelle. Present for the occasion were the provincial and regional superiors from most of our European Provinces (C. La Capelle - Retour aux origines).
Sacred Heart stained glass window behind main altar in Aluva chapel The confraters of the District India invited me to spend four months with them in the framework of my service in continuing formation. You have their heartfelt greetings,(i.e. from Martien van Ooy and Ad van der Wilk). They are doing well. From September 1999 until the end of January 2000, I held conferences, retreats and recollections in the state of Kerala for the candidates on our "Dehon Bhavan" (minor seminary) in Kumbalanghy, in "Dehon Vidja Sadhan" (major seminary) in Aluva, and in our novitiate in Ponnarimangalam. I did the same for our candidates in the state of Andhra Pradesh, in their temporary home "Dehon Nilayam" in the town Guntur and for the diocesan minor seminary located in the village Phirangipuram, near Guntur.
So begins Wim van Paassen's (NE) account of his recent visit to our SCJs in India. This article first appeared in The Mustard Seed, published by the SCJ Indian District (IND).
Alessandro Capoferri, provincial secretary, has passed along Carta #14 for publication. It is available in Portuguese (Cf. CARTA ÀS COMUNIDADES 14).
+ P Henricus Hadi Prawiro (IN) born: 20.04.1939 at Eindhoven, Holland*
first profession: 08.08.1960
ordination: 08.07.1962
died: 30.03.2000 at Kalianda-Lampung, Indonesia+ F Felix Morroni (EF) born: 11.07.1920 at Richemont, France
firt profession: 29.09.1936 at Amiens
died: 03.04.2000 at Mougins*Please note at the suggestion of the General Scretary's Office we will begin listing birthplace as well as place of death.
Due to his work schedule Stefan Tertünte will suspend his commentaries until after Easter.
On the 6th, we enjoy a lovely drive in the park along the ocean, with endless views of the Farallon Islands. The angle of the park towards the entrance of the harbor gave us a good view of the Cliff House hotel and lookout and of the Seal Rocks where some seals were frolicking about. We also observed some naval maneuvers which were designed to forestall any possible Japanese attack.Fr. Dehon's journey in North America is about to end. He writes one last time about San Francisco. It is interesting that he notes the naval maneuvers (1910) long before World War II would become a reality (CF. Farewell to San Francisco).
Bologna, Italy