SCJ World News |
28 October 2000
We are adding another article to the Education Page in preparation for next years conference in Salamanca. This one is by our former general superior, Albert Bougeois, and is available in French and Portuguese.LE P. DEHON A "SAINT-JEAN" Dans les Notes Quotidiennes de 1886 - 1888
P. DEHON NO "SÃO JOÃO. Anotações cotidianas de 1886-1888.
Umberto Chiarello (CU) has written an account of the just completed gathering of the Dehonian Family. It will be posted to the Dehonian Family News Page and is available at this time in Italian.
Molti fratelli e sorelle = Una famiglia - Partecipi dell'eredità di p. Dehon
Also being posted to the Dehonian Family News Page is a reflection by Marian Thompson, a lay dehonian from the British Irish Province. Hadrianus Wardjito has asked several participants to offer their reflections which we will publish as they are received.
In this week's Meet and SCJ we present Leandro António Gomes Garcês who was born on October 15, 1962, in Penafiel, diocese of Porto, Portugal, and currently is a member of our new region of Madagascar.
On the lighter side, Adriano Borst (NE), archivist for the congregation discovered a postcard sent by Fr. Dehon from New York during his trip in 1910. He shows a more humorous side of the founder and can be accessed here: Postcard from New York.
Congratulations - IndonesiaBishop Aloysius Sudarso scj ordained six deacons to the priesthood. The ordination took place on Thursday, 12 October 2000 at Sacred Heart Church Palembang. The new priests are as follows:
1. Fr. Yohanes Wua Waleng SCJ
2. Fr. Amatus Sukadi SCJ
3. Fr. Paulus Harnasa Purba SCJ
4. Fr. Florentinus Heru Ismadi SCJ
5. Fr. Agustinus Riyanto SCJ
6. Fr. Benediktus Mulyono SCJTheir assignment (effective October 15, 2000):
1. Fr. Yohanes Wua Waleng SCJ as an associate pastor in Bengkulu
2. Fr. Amatus Sukadi SCJ as an associate pastor in Tugumulyo Musirawas
3. Fr. Paulus Harnasa Purba as an associate pastor in Gumawang
4. Fr. Florentinus Heru Ismadi SCJ as an associate pastor Hati Kudus, Palembang
5. Fr. Agustinus Riyanto SCJ as an associate pastor St. Antonius Padua, Jakarta
6. Fr. Benediktus Mulyono SCJ as an associate pastor St. Stephanus, JakartaFrom p. Herru (IN)Congratulations - Madagascar
provincial secretary
IfanadianaOn October 15th the new region of Madagascar celebrated 25 years of scj presence on the island. Pedro Coutinho Fernandes sent along this photo along with an article about the celebration.
Congratulations - South Africa
The superior general with the consent of his council has confirmed the election of a new provincial administration for South Africa. The election assembly was held on October 10, 2000 at Aliwal North and elected the following:
Provincial Superior:
Marek Przybys
Provincial Council:
New Publications
- John Strittmatter
- Peter Surdel
- Benno Hansel
- Karl-Heniz Ofenloch
Leonard Zaworski has begun publishing SCJ India District Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation. Notes #1 was issued and mailed several weeks ago.
French and Anglo Canada have begun publishing SCJ Canada - Informations CA/CGA. In the introduction Peter McKenna (CA) and Maurice Légaré (CGA) write:
At our Common Assembly in Arnprior, two months ago, there was a common agreement to publish a common Newsletter for both French and Anglo Canada....
Carlos Frick Interviews ESL Director
Paul Grizzelle-Reid is the ESL Program (English as a Second Language) coordinator, that is held at Sacred Heart Monastery/Sacred Heart School of Theology in our US Province.
Furthermore, Paul is the community coordinator [superior] of the Sacred Heart Monastery and director of formation for the seminarians who live at Sacred Heart School of Theology, and come from many dioceses in The United States.
What follows is an interview Carlos did with Paul in September as the Summer ESL Program drew to a close (CF. Interview with Paul Grizzelle-Reid).
St. Katherine Drexel helped the SCJs in South Dakota
In October Pope John Paul II canonized Mother Katherine Drexel. She was a founder of a religious community of women and wealthy in her own right. She was partial to African American and Native American Catholics.
Wayne Jenkins, US Province Archivist, put together a short article on the financial help she gave to the struggling scjs in South Dakota shortly after their arrival. This article appears on the US Fridge Notes website and can be accessed at .
Towards 2001!
We are continuing to develop our plans for the 2001 International SCJ Ongoing Formation program. A number of speakers are already booked and the shape of the program is now clear.
The Focus will be on being "Servants of Reconciliation". Participants will take part in a personal journey of reconciliation as well as reflecting on how to help others experience it. It is hoped as many as 24 SCJs from around the world will come to Malpas for the four weeks, from mid-June/mid-July 2001. For SCJs wishing to get further details or book a place email Chris Jenkins SCJ
From the British- Irish Province Website+ Bishop Johannes Baptist Lück (GE) reported the death of Bishop Lück on the October 14th news page. The German Province sent a copy of his remembrance card. Below is the cover which shows his coat of arms he chose when he was nominated as a bishop in 1947.
In the nineteenth in our series from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, we present the second letter in Correspondence Received. It was sent in December 1880 to several scjs from José París ."To my dear and beloved Fathers: Alfonse Rasset, Thaddeus Captier, Batholomew Dessons, Stanislaus Falleur, Matias LeGrand and Berchmans,
I was hoping to be able to be with you for a few days but the Lord asks that I offer the sacrifice of this trip however difficult it is...