SCJ World News |
29 January 2000
The French text has been added to the letter l'Archivio Dehoniano, and can now be found on the Letters & Documents page.Continuing what we hope will be a year long program of Meet an SCJ on the Vocation Page, David Marsden (BH), in his final year of theology in Dublin, reflects on his dehonian vocation.
On the General Conference ECONOMIA E REGNO DI DIO: Documento di lavoro, the working document for the General Conference in Recife has been posted. At present only the Italian text has been published. We will post the French and English texts just as soon as they become available.
Jubilee Poster of the Finish ChurchesRev. Ilkka Kantolan is the Lutheran bishop of the diocese of Turku in Finland (several scjs work in Turku). On the occasion of the traditional celebration of St. Henry of Finland, and participating in the Ecumenical Celebration with the Pope John Paul II for the opening of the Porta Santa of St. Paul Outside the Walls, he came to Rome together with our confrere P. Jan Aarts (apostolic administrator of the diocese of Helsinki) and the orthodox archbishop of Finland Rev. Johannes. We had the opportunity to interview him about the Jubilee in the Lutheran Church of Finland and about Ecumenism.
CF: Interview with Bishop Ilkka Kantolan Lutheran Bishop of Turku, Finland
From Mozambique
The scjs of Mozambique held their annual assembly at Milevane January 7-9, 2000. Zolile Mpambani (CU) represented the general administration.
From Brazil
On January 11th the Course of Social Doctrine of the Church began in Taubaté. There are 47 participants from all over Brazil. Most of them are lay people. Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva (CU) took part in the first week, introducing its theme.
Currently at Rio Negrhinho (BM) a program for final vow preparation for scj religious from South American is taking place. There are 18 participants: BM 7, RBM 3, BS 4, and one each from AU, CH, MAR and VEN. The main presenter this year is Javier Bravo (HI) superior of the scjs working in Ecuador.
+F Henricus Anastasius Baars (NE)
(photo taken prior to his departure for Zaire)Born: 05.05.1906
First Profession: 19.03.1930
Died: 19:01.2000 at NijmegenOn Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at St. Joseph House for retired scj religious our confrere Br. Anastasius, Henry Frederick Baars, scj died.
Born at Lisse on April 5, 1906, he made his first profession in the congregation at Heer on March 19, 1930. After his first profession for more than 13 years Br. Anastasius was on the maintenance staff of the minor seminary in Helmond. He did the same work as a mechanic for three more years at the minor seminary in Bergen op Zoom.
On September 9, 1946, he left for the scj mission in the Belgium Congo (Zaire). During his years as a missionary he worked at Stanleyville (Kisangani), Pawa, Bafwabaka, Babonde, Ngayu and Maboma. At Pawa he assisted in the construction of a hospital for lepers. He installed the water purification system and electrical system serving a professional school, the novitiate, church, orphanage and the sister's house at Babonde.
In 1964 after the Simba insurrection, he returned to Holland and worked at the Mission Procure at Rotterdam. Later he was transferred to the community at Sittard, and finally in January 1969 to Karken (community center for the Dutch in Germany). He worked in the rectory first at Karken and later at Büdich.
In 1987 he became a member of St. Joseph House at Nijmegen, a community for retired scjs,.
The funeral Liturgy was held on Monday, January 24, 2000, in the chapel of St. Joseph House with burial in the community cemetery.
translation provided by
Piet Adam NE![]()
+P Pedro Waldemar Goedert (BM)Born: 28.06.1915
First Profession: 16.01.1937
Ordained: 12.07.1941
Died: 19.01.2000 at Jaraguá do SulAfter his ordination Fr. Goedert served in the following places:
- 1942 associate pastor Sant' Ana, Lavras, MG
- 1943 associate pastor San Luigi Gonzaga, Brusque, SC
- 1948 pastor Santa'Ana, Lavras, MG
- 1954 associate pastor San Vincente Férrer Formiga, MG
- 1956 professor at Taubaté, SP
- 1962 to 65 associate pastor at Formiga, Varginha and Vidal Ramos
- 1965 associate pastor San Luigi Gonzaga, Brusque, SC
- 1986 associate pastor Guabiruba, SC
- 1990 member of the novitiate community N.S. di Fatima, Jaraguá do Sul
+P Paul Raths (GA-LW)*
Born: 07.01.1932
First Profession: 24.09.1955
Ordained: 02.07.1961
Died: 23.01.2000 at LuxembourgPaul Raths is a former provincial superior of the Luxembourg Province.
*Please note: The office of the general secretary is currently using "GA-LW" as the abbreviation for the French - Luxembourg Province. Once the final fusion takes place a permanent abbreviation will be established.
Notre Dame de Liesse (Liesse means 'joy') was in Dehon's time the most famous Marian shrine in the diocese of Soissons. Built from stones which had remained from the construction of the cathedral of Laon, the chapel was erected in 1115. So begins Stefan Tertünte's comments on this weeks Dehon photo Notre Dame de Liesse.
On the 21st I made it to Edmonton, the Queen of the West, the capital of Alberta. It's growing rapidly like an American city. This week in Paul McGuire's account of Fr. Dehon's travels in North America Fr. Dehon visits Edmonton, Canada. We also feature a photograph of the first professed North American SCJ, since the Canadian plains of central Canada were the site of the first SCJ presence in North America.
compliments of image 100