SCJ World News |
The South Italian Province (IM) has a new email address:
This will be updated on our email page with our next revision from the office of the secretary general.We end our month long meeting of scjs from the Province of Cameroon, established June 14, 1996, not with a person, but a place. The New Chapel at the scholasticate, Dehon House, in Ngoya. Next week we will begin featuring scjs participating in the Ongoing Formation Program here in Rome in the Portuguese language.
Under the heading of Justice & Peace, Bob Bossie forwarded two websites for those interested in following the demonstrations taking place at this weeks meeting of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in Prague:
CongratulationsTo Luca Rosina (IS), who was ordained today at 5:00 PM n the parish of S. Pietro a Roè Volciano (BS) and will celebrate his first Mass tomorrow at 10:30 AM in the same parish church.
Also to the novices from Spain who made their profession of September 29, 2000. A photo and short biography of each can be found by linking to First Profession. Two of those making their first profession are from the region of Venezuela.
ESL Cultural Fair
Brazil celebrates its heritage at the ESL Cultural FairSacred Heart's ESL Culltural Fair started in 1996 because the ESL program had a rich diversity of culture and wanted to share it with the entire school body. The instructors had come to realize that many of the seminarians, faculty, and administration viewed the ESL program from a distance because they didn't have the opportunity to interact with the ESL students or to learn about the richness of their countries and their cultures.
For more on this link here to: ESL Cultural Fair
Tyler Lake
Carlos Frick, sent along a brief article on the visit of the ESL Group to Tyler Lake. Carlos servers as our translator into Spanish and hails from The Region of Venezuela.
Every summer, the survivors of first two months of the ESL (English as a Second Language) Program get a one week break at the holiday house owned by the US Province at Taylor Lake in Northern Wisconsin. During this week, the rule is to rest and to relax, in the best one of the senses. This summer acquires special meaning for the participants of ESL since it is the last summer that we can use this house. The US Province has sold the property, which means that the traditional rest at Taylor Lake will have to look elsewhere next year for September recovery week.
For the rest of his article link here to ESL at Tyler Lake.
Summer Changes in Rome
For visitors returning to Rome for the first time since last May will notice several changes to exterior of our buildings. The large pine trees just in front of Villa Aurelia and the International College were removed and will be replaced with Olive Trees. In addition there is a new look to entrances to the International College and Villa Aurelia.
In the sixteenth in our series from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, we present excerpts from a letter from Fr. Alejandro, Sacerdos, de Pascal who made his first profession on April 12, 1883."Tomorrow I will be in Bourg, where they are awaiting me. M. Evieux wrote to me saying that I will find the service to the GUARD OF HONOR is changing. It will be a pleasant moment to get in contact with the principal members and present to them our rich qualities. My time here was very blessed. We will see in theassistance of Mrs. D. and her daughters some fine helpers.