06 October 2001
IndonesiaThe Provincialate of Indonesia has a new e-mail address: sekprop.scj@telkom.net
We are posting the second set of documents from the Dehonian Educators Conference held in early July in Salamanca, Spain.
Summaries -- 3 MESA REDONDA
Please note: These documents are presented only in their original language.
ChileAs promised we have added the English translation to Hernan's Ancud Chronicles #6. We just received #7 and will publish it next week.
August was one of the wettest and coldest in the history of Chilote. Days of rain with winds between 80 and 100 km (50 to 60 miles ) per hour rattling our house. While I'm writing this we've had a few hours of sun, a hopeful sign of spring!....
Every two years the Inter-provincial Center for Formation in Brussels and the Formation Commission of the EF Province arrange a session of on-going formation at Clairefontaine.
This year it took place from 11 to 13 September. Its theme was: "Living out the social concern of Fr Dehon in today's world." Thirty-seven SCJs attended, coming from France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands.
The organizers had invited Fr Andre Perroux to present the topic. Fr Perroux spent the two days, with his customary competence and eloquence, on the recent publication of the Center of Studies, John Leo Dehon, Christian Social Renewal , A New Edition, presented by Andre Perroux SCJ.
Between 1897 and 1900 Fr Dehon gave nine very remarkable lectures in Rome on the "social question". He had them published in 1900 under the title Christian Social Renewal. This book is in a certain sense the high point of our Founder's social apostolate, encompassing the essence of his social thinking.
In his first section Fr Andre sketched a portrait of Fr Dehon. He then described the religious, social, and political context of France in the second half of the nineteenth century. This was indispensable in giving the background to the importance of the work of Leo Dehon, and in particular that of the book under study, written over a hundred years ago.
In his second section, Fr Perroux gave a commentary on each of the nine lectures, stressing the spontaneous and uncontrived nature of the speaker's style as also his contagious enthusiasm, which drove his audience to get involved in "the Work".
In his third section Fr Andre strove to demonstrate how topical is the social conscience of Fr Dehon and how we ourselves might live it out in our own day and age.
The discussion that followed threw into clear light how important it is to delve more and more deeply into the story of the life and work of Fr Dehon so as to discern more clearly what belongs more to his day and age and what is still valid in the social inheritance he passed on to his religious.
Fr Albert Vander Elst
Mario Kaufmann and Markus Mönch, from the German Province who made their first profession on September 29th at Freiburg, where they also made novitiate.
Stefano Zamboni and Renzo Zambotti will be ordained deacons on October 6th, in the cathedral of Bologna. Both are members of North Italian Province.
Also to the 632 SCJs who took their first vows on the 29th September in our history. Among them, Fr. Virginio Bressaneli, who completed 40 years of religious life. In Rome this event was celebrated with many confreres from Northern Italy, who were marking their jubilee celebrations with a pilgrimage to the Eternal City.
Our yearly retreat in Finland was directed this year by Fr. Andrew Ryder of the British-Irish Province. The retreat was in a beautiful place in Finland called "Stella Maris". It is about 60 km from Helsinki in the direction of Turku. The "Stella Maris" center is a retreat/camp center of the diocese of Helsinki. Here are some photos we took during our time together.
Stella Maris Retreat Center, FinlandMadagascar
We have received Fr. General's homily given at Puente la Reina on the occasion of the first Liturgical celebration for Fr. Juan María de la Cruz García Méndez and the Valencia Martyrs. The homily was given in Spanish.
Last Sunday, September 30, in a solemn Mass at St. Peter Square the 10th Ordinary Synod of Bishops began. Three of our confreres are members of this Synod: Bishop Eusébio Scheid, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Bishop Tomé Makhwéliha, Archbishop of Nampula and Fr. Virginio Bressanelli, superior general.
On September 29th the eleven participants of the ongoing formation program began a trip to the "SCJ Holy Places", among them: Paray-le-Monial, La Capelle, St. Quentin and Bruxelles.
The French Session of Ongoing Formation started in Rome on September 17th, under the direction of Fr. Osnildo Klann. The participants are:
+Fr. Marian Banas POborn: 25.08.1935
first profession: 02.09.1953
ordained: 24.03.1961
died: 27.09.2001 at Sosnowiec