10 November 2001
PhilippinesThere are no additional facts to report in the kidnapping of Father Giuseppi Piarantoni (PHI). Please keep him and his family in your prayers as you pray for his speedy release. From time to time there are articles on The Philippine Inquirer (http://www.inquirer.net/ website under the "Nation" section.
Note: In last week's news update (03.11.2001) we listed Fr. Giuseppe Pierantoni as a member of "IND" (Indian District), he is of course a member of "PHI" the Philippine scj district. We apologize for this error kindly pointed out to us by Chris Jenkins of the British-Irish Province.
This week we have the opening and closing declaration from the Dehonian Educators Conference held last July and hosted by the scjs from our Spanish Province.
Opening Address --Presentación Apertura del Encuentro Educadores DehonianosClosing declaration -- Declaración Final
CanadaIn addition to the sculpture featured last wee by Herman Falke (CA) ("September 11, 2001") he sent along a photo of another piece, a sculpture of Pope John Paul II.
The scjs in Portugal held a two day seminar (November 2-3, 2001) on vocational ministry at Alfragide. At the end of their work they issued a Final Message which you may view here in Portuguese by linking to: Seminário de Pastoral Juvenil .
For the first time in the history of the congregation (to the best of our knowledge) a school for "new major superiors" was held in Rome a day before the start of the Major Superiors Meeting. This school was organized by Marek Stoklosa, secretary general. The morning sessions dealt with internal congregational issues while in the afternoon sessions featured speakers from the Vatican:
Congregazione per gli Istituti di vita Consacrata e le società de vita Apostolica,We are posting Fr. General's opening remarks in Italian to the Letters & Documents page. Look there as well for other reports from the meeting of major superiors under Major Superiors Meeting November 2001.Congregazione per il Culto Divno e la disciplina die sacramenti.
ELEVENTH ASSEMBLY OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FROM ST. JOHN'SThanks to the good workers of Fr. Antonio Tejado, pastor of St. Martin's in San Quentin, we were able to conserve the minutes of this assembly in our archives.08/19/1894 The Association that numbered 69 members was presided since 1892 by Leon Cornaille. The vice-president was a notary named Alcido Venet, the secretary was a newspaperman Paul Damy, the vice-secretary was Charles Ravinet, and the treasurer was Louis Vilfort, a professor from St. John's. We remember that Fr. Dehon had celebrated on December 6, 1893 the Alcido Venet's marriage and probably in 1891, Mr. Damy's (Damey??) marriage as well (cf. AD. B. 7/7) He had a great relationship with his former students.
+Fr. Louis Letsch CH
born: 18.04.1940
first profession: 15.09.1963
ordained: 04.07.1970
died: 05..11.2001 at Curicó
+Gérald Légaré
Maurice Légaré, regional superior of French Canada arrived in Rome on November 2, 2001 to attend an important meeting with the General Council and Peter McKenna, provincial superior of the Anglo Canadian Province on plans for new governmental structures for scjs in Canada. He received the news the following day of the death of his father Gérald Légaré. Maurice returned immediately to Canada for the funeral which will was held on November 6, 2001 at the church of Saint Paul in Saint-Jérôme QC
Please keep Mr. Légaré and the Légaré family in your prayers.
NB Maurice also translates www.scj.org into French.