02 March 2002
Dehonian Year Week II
Preparation for the 125th anniversary of the Congregation
Central StudiesAt the request of Central Studies (Rome) we are opening a new section (cf. the side bar) called Dehoniana. It will contain current and back issues of Dehoniana published three times a year in a typical edition. With the cooperation of those provinces who publish Dehoniana in other languages we plan to add their editons as well. This project will take some time to complete.
Posted this week is 2000-3in the typical edition as well as the English and Portuguese editions. At present due to limitations of 'electronic' publishing we will be posting issues going back to 1994.
This link (2000-3) will take you to a master page. This 'master' page will take you to the typical edition on which will be indicated by links what other language editions have been posted.
Email Addresses Updated
The office of the general secretary (scjcuriagen@scj.org) has updated their email listings. We stress they are updated to the best of our knowledge. Please keep us informed when changes are made, as they frequently tend to be. There are two postings to our links page:
Provincial - Regional - District Central (provincilate) Houses
Provincial - Regional - District House Email Addresses
Please do take note that the Spanish Province (HI) has requested that official correspondence be sent to the office of the provincial secretary at secretaria@scj.es
Justice & Peace
This week you have a letter by Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva - Secretariatus Generalis - Justitia et Pax, inviting all the JP Promoters to become involved in the preparation for Montreal 2002 (the letter is in Portuguese, French and English other translations will be provided as they become available). Dated March 1, 2002, it will be posted to the Montreal Justice & Peace section.
We are also posting several text to the Montreal page. These documents will be posted in their original language due to translation constraints. The first was written by José Agostinho, director of Justice & Peace for the Portuguese SCJ Province.
Reunidos em Comissão Provincial de Justiça e Paz e de Actividade Missionária da Província Portuguesa dos Sacerdotes do Coração de Jesus, procurámos reflectir e analisar a actual situação da nossa sociedade nos mais variados aspectos. Da análise feita ficaram-nos muitas preocupações e outros tantos desafios....A second posting is the report on the meeting of the South European Justice & Peace Directors:
3 e 4 de Dezembro de 2001 estiveram reunidos no Seminário de Nossa Senhora de Fátima, Alfragide, Portugal, os Promotores de Justiça e Paz da Europa do Sul....
ArgentinaOn it's February 20th web posting Vidimus Dominum published an interview with Bishop Marcelo Palentini, a Dehonian and Bishop of Jujuy, in which he recounts the missionary spirit that has remained within him.
The Dehonian bishop of Jujuy tells Vidimus Dominum about some interesting experiences of social service to and Christian proclamation
Rome (Italy), February 20 (VID) - "The consecrated life has always had a very significant presence in the Argentinian Church, for instance in the school." "Not only at the level of private schools but as insertion of the religious in the neighbourhood schools free of charge, with some quite interesting cases."
From Vidimus Dominum
Comings and Goings
Fr. General and Umberto Chiarello, vicar general, are in Spain to do their pastoral visit. The visit will last most of the month of March.
Emilio Ciarrocchi, general treasurer, and members of the General Finance Commission held their winter meeting in France the week of February 25th.
To Ntsikelelo Bambatha, who made his first profession of vows on February 2, 2002, at the SCJ South African novitiate in Bethulie.
On February 20, "L'Osservatore Romano" announced that Mons. Murilo Ramos Krieger, scj, was transferred from Maringá to Florianópolis. Mons. Krieger returns to his home State, Santa Catarina, where he began his ministry as Auxiliary Bishop in 1985. He replaces his confrere, Mons. Eusebio Scheid, scj, transferred to Rio de Janeiro.
South Africa
Three Cameroon scj students arrived in South Africa on January 3, 2002. They are Gilbert Kamata Tatsi, Pascal Noudjom and Basil Fouene. After a brief visit to Aliwal, Bethulie and Teresa mission they arrived at the scj formation house in Merrivale where they will begin their theological studies.
taken from Indaba Express
a publication of the SCJ South African Province
24th Meeting of the Alumni of St. John's College
From the minutes, we read that Mr. Octavio Leduc had served as president since 1904. The Association had grown to more than 100 members. Twenty alumni had died. Fr. Rigault celebrated the Mass. Fr. Massino Cottard, a missionary in northern Brazil since 1895, preached. His sermon compared religious life in Brazil to France's experience. Brazil's style of religious life was more alive than his native France. He challenges France to recapture the spirit. Religion was taught to children in schools. France was listed in sixth place for larger nations. The deeds and statistics made France guilty and aware of her moral decay and destruction as a society.