This world in arms is not spending money
It is spending the sweat of its laborers,
the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower
We will be posting to the General Conference section two documents: One comes from our province in Chile (ECONOMIA Y REINO DE DIOS EL MENSAJE SOCIAL DE JESUS EN EL REINO DE DIOS); the other was recommended recently by Bob Bossie and is available in English: Alternatives for the Americas - Cumbre de los Pueblos de America.
CongratulationsRaúl del Val Reizábal, from the Spanish Province (HI) who will be ordained today (13th of November 1999)a deacon in the Seminary Chapel of Venta de Baños.
To Edward Domagala (ZA) who, on 4 November, earned his doctorate in Philosophy from the St. Thomas Aquinas Pontifical University (Rome). L'ermeneutica dell'esperienza dell'Amore in Max Scheler, l'itenarario verso la comprensione dell'altro e il pensare dialogico (The herumanutic of the experience of Love in Max Scheler, and the road towards an understanding of the other and dialogical thinking).
To Mons. Antonio Cosa, who was interviewed several weeks ago (30 October) by Stefan Tertünte (cf. Interview with Mons. Antono Cosa Apostolic Administrator of Moldavia) on being named a bishop. The Holy Father has elevated him to the office of bishop as Apostolic Administrator for Moldavia and assigned him the titular diocese of Pesto. Bishop Cosa was born on 23 November 1961 at Valea Mare (Bacau), Romania. He completed his seminary studies in 1989 and was ordained for the diocese of Iasi on 25 June 1989. He served as parish assistant at Roman ('89-90) and at Chisinau ('90-91), and finally as pastor at Chisinau ('91-93). On 28 October of 1993 the Holy Father nominated him Apostolic Administrator for Moldavia.
Taken from
From the Philippines
The scjs in the Philippines can be contacted at or visit their website at
The scjs in the Philippines have published a pocket calendar for the Jubilee Year. This logo appears on the back cover. An important use for the calendar will be as a vocation promotion piece. The following prayer is taken from the back inside cover: We thank you Father, for revealing to us the mystery of your love in your Son, Jesus.
Through the mystery of the cross, we receive from his opened Heart the gift of redemption and the outpouring of your Holy Spirit.
In the blood and water we acknowledge your many blessings which make us a priestly people and faithful servants in your kingdom of love.
In union with Christ, who restored all things to you, we give ourselves humbly to the mission of the church in your plan of salvation. Amen.
+Leo Kwanten (IN)
Served as the superior of the Vice Province of Indonesia from 1968 to 1974.Born: 09.10.14
First Profession: 08.09.37
Ordained: 18.07.43
Died: 07.11.99 at Palembang
The importance of the experience of the First Vatican Council for Dehon's ultramontane convictions, for his universal ecclesiastical horizon and for the numerous contacts at the highest levels of the Church is well known from many of his writings. Therefore this week [Stefan Tertünte] will be exclusively presenting some anecdotes chosen from Dehon's diary, which give an inside look into both Dehon's humor and the Council itself (CF. Council).
Paul J. McGuire (US) was kind enough to offer our website an electronic (computer) copy of his recent work In Canada and America: Selections from Father Dehon's Diary. This week Fr. Dehon takes a short trip from Chicago across northern Illinois to Dubuque, Iowas. His interest in starting a new mission in the United States is what attracts him to this typical Midwestern city (cf. Dubuque).