SCJ World News |
05 February 2000
Please make note of the following email address for the SCJ community in Ecuador at Bahía. Since it is at the moment the only one we have for Ecuador we will add it to our links email page of provinces - regions - districts. .The Portuguese Province (LU) has forwarded a new phone - fax - email listing for the province as many of their phone and fax numbers have changed, please make note of this (Cf. New LU Telephone - Fax - email list).
Last year Egidio Driedonkx (CH), a member of Central Studies Rome, published, in Spanish the History of the Reparatory Association Founded by Fr. Leo Dehon. We now have the text available in English and Italian in addition to the original. Attached to the text is the document Dates Les Plus Importante de L'association Reparatice (1878 to 1963), available in French and Italian. As plans move forward for the Dehonian Family Conference in Rome (October 10-13, 2000) these document takes on added interest. Both will be posted to the Letters and Documents section.
This month we will be featuring young scjs from the South Italian Province (IM) on our Meet an SCJ, which can be found in the Vocation Section. This week we feature Gianni Dimiccoli, professed last year and a student of theology at Bologna.
Last week we told you that we were waiting for the General Secretary to make a decision on the new abbreviation to use for France-Luxemborg. Replacing GA-LW will be EF (Franco-Europe). This was done after consulting the parties involved.
CongratulationsTo the following who made their first profession of vows on February 2, 2000 in the chapel of N. Sra. de Fátima, Jaraguá do Sul (SC), Brazil.
- Alexandro Voronhuk
- Bruno Roque dos Santos
- Sebastião Júnior Ferreira Braga
- Vagner Donizetti Maciel
- Vanderlei Mendes Souza
- Géber Barbosa (made in Argentina)
- Paulo Robert Stochero (also in Argentina)
Reentering the community (for the region of RBM) Antônio Vilas Boas
- Alex Fernandes Paludo
- Emerson Guimarães
- Luciano José Toller
- Neimar Faoro
- Rosenei Pauli
- Valmir José Dilli
- Adalberto Ronconi (made in Argentina)
scj community at Ngoya
The old saying "better late than never" applies to the letter from the scholastic community at Ngoyawritten by Antonio Panteghini (CM). Difficulties with the phone system delayed this Christmas letter for our website. The community had to resort to a very old system, i.e., Leopold Mfouakouet (CM) had delivered it upon his return to Rome after spending the holiday season in his home country.
Alessandro Capoferri (MZ), provincial secretary, has passed on to us Carta Às Comunidades 13 for publication. It is available only in Portuguese.
The preparatory committee, consisting of scjs, religious and laity, for the Dehonian Family Assembly (Rome, October 09 - 13, 2000) met last week to prepare a conference working document. We hope to publish it as soon as it becomes available.
British - Irish
In the Papers
Last Sunday's "Catholic Herald" praised this website. Noting Bishop David Konstant's call for the Church to use all means to spread God's word the paper noted: "One site doing just that is run by the Sacred Heart Fathers. helping people find the God of Love and Compassion in all things- even their computer screens."
From British-Irish Province websiteFEED THE HUNGRY. your computer and Internet connection to good use. Visit www.thehungersite.comand click on the box that says "Donate Free Food." That simple click will provide for the donation of rice, wheat, maize or other staple food to a hungry person in the world through the United Nations World Food Program. The site will count only one donation you make each day, so visit it daily and help to feed the hungry.
Please bookmark the site or include it among your favorites, so you can readily access it every day. Because of its importance, a link to the Hunger Site has been placed on the Links page.
From Willacy County Catholic Churches
+ F Nicolaas Willehad Over de Vest NE born: 04.08.1912
first profession: 08.12.1933
died 25.01.2000 at BakelOn January 25, 2000, in the Jan de Wit clinic, at Bakel in Holland our brother Willehad Nicolaas Over De Vest, scj died.
He was born on August 4, 1912 at Schiedam, and made his first profession at Heer on Decembers 8, 1933. After his first profession in the congregation, Br. Willehad lived and worked for the next 27 years at our children's village, St. Joseph's House in Cadiere en Keer, where he received from state child welfare agency a grade A diploma to instruct children.
In 1960 he was transferred to the student community at Nijmegen where he worked until 1968. From then until 1997 he was a member of the community of St. John's House of Aia (the Hague), near the grammar school St. John's Collage where he worked until 1977. For the major part of his religious live Br. Willehad worked in technical maintenance of our religious houses and faithfully maintained their heating systems.
Finally on November 24, 1997, as age took its toll, he retired at the age of 85 to Sacred Heart House, our residence for senior scjs located at Asten. From May 6, 1999, due to failing health, he was moved to the Jan de Wit clinic at Bakel, not too far from the Asten community.
It it is in this community's chapel that the funeral liturgy will take place to be followed by burial in the community cemetery. So on January 29th we will bid farewell to Br. Willehad, affectionally known as Klass. Now he will celebrate the Jubilee of Religious Life in the house of the Sacred Heart.
translation provided by Piet Adam (NE)NB In addition to the languages found on our website you can also read the article in the original Dutch language on our Dutch Province's website (cf. Rath EF
We have recevied the obituary for +P Paul Rath (EF), compliments of Claudio Seibenaler (CU) who patticipated in the funeral liturgy. It is avalable in several of our website languages.
General Treasurer, good priest, perfect accountant, unbalanced character and rough."Thus Fr. Blancal in a letter to Bishop Duval from the 17.7.1893 describes his confrere Stanislaus Falleur. The circumstances of the letter and what we know about P. Blancal prompts us to a certain precaution regarding his judgments. Nevertheless his short and clear description fits very well with what we find in numerous letters in the correspondence between Falleur and Dehon. The reading of this correspondence surely reveals at least as much about Dehon himself as about the one he's writing to: Stanislaus Falleur.
Thus begins Stefan Tertünte look at the relationship between Fr. Dehon and Fr. Théodore Stanislaus Falleur, the first general treasurer of the congregation.
I had promised Bishop Legal that I would be sure to come here. It's a picturesque village situated on the banks of a roaring river.The bishop sent a car to Edmonton to get us. The weather turned cold and I had a hard time staying warm. An elderly brother was our driver; he has been around since the glory days of hazardous journeys and daring hunting expeditions; his generation is fading away. The road through the woods is barely marked and the sandy soil is rutted with potholes.
So begins Fr. Dehon's account of his visit to St. Albert before bedding adieu to his scj brothers in central Canada and heading for the west cost.
Boniface VIII - To calm the angry passions
revengeful feelings which disturbed
the world
proclaimed at St. John Lateran the
first Jubilee
There were present in Rome Dante -
Giotto - Boccaccio.
[text taken from back of
the above post card.]