SCJ World News |
Dehon HouseThe youth ministry of the British-Irish Province now has a website ( which will be added to our links page. Your comments and suggestions will be appreciated.
In this week's Meet an SCJ we feature brief biographies of this year's postulants and novices of South Africa (cf. South African SCJ Candidates).
Feeding the Hungry
The Hunger Site ( offers visitors the opportunity to help feed the hungry simply by visiting the site. Upon each visit various companies donate money and food to help feed the hungry. In addition the site encourages visitors to sign a petition addressed to the United Nations to confront the issue of world hunger.
At present the site is produced only in English. For a copy of the petition in our five languages cf. Feed the Hungry.
Moluccas: Tomorrow [July 30, 2000] the Second Day of Prayer for Peace
The Vidimus Dominum website published a brief article on the Second day of Prayer for Peace organized by the Catholic and Protestant Churches of the Moluccas Islands. Our website has published the last two news bulletins detailing the sectarian violence troubling this part of Indonesia.
CongratulationsWe congratulate those celebrating anniversaries of their first profession during the month of August:
65 Years (15.08.1935)
P. Frederico João Winkelmann BM
P. Otto Antônio Strobel BM,
P Josef Zinzius GE
P. Bernhard van Koten GEWe also would like to congratulate the following members of the Dutch Province who celebrated ordination anniversaries in July but were inadvertently left off our list:
The following
60 Years (14.07.1940) Petrus Schouten
Petrus Renders
Adrianus Kolk50 Years (16.07.1950) Geradus Peeters
Hubertus Hanssen
Joannes van DoorenIndonesia
Herru, provincial secretary, sent along the following information on celebrations and vow ceremonies taking place in Indonesia during July and August.
50 years of priesthood July 16, 2000
1. Fr. Theodorus Kooijman SCJFr.Theodorus Kooijman and Maria Johannes Weusten SCJ celebrated their feast at the Giri Nugraha retreat house in Palembang on July 18, 2000.
2. Fr. Maria Johannes Weusten SCJ
3. Fr. Eigidius Bellemakers SCJIn Yogyakarta (scholasticate): August 1, 2000
1. Renewal of Vows for 20 scholastics and 4 brothers
2. Profession of final Vows for the following scholastics:
1. Heri Endarwanto, AntoniusIn Gisting (Novitiate): August 1, 2000
2. Sumardi, Stefanus
3. Windiarto, Yusup
4. Sepiono, Florentinus
5. Wahyu Wurdiyanto, Gregorius
6. Wisnu Hantoro, Paulu
7. Joko Susanto, Alexius1. Renewal of Vows for 11 scholastics and 2 brothers
2. Profession of first Vows: 5 scholastics and 2 brothers
1. Herman Riyadi, FerdinandusSecond Final Vow Program at La Capelle
2. Widodo, Ignatius
3. Tarapul Erinton Martua Pius Manihuruk
4. Sunaryo, Yohanes
5. Driyan Suwandi, Paulus
6. Sudarmanto, Petrus (Br.)
7. Wahyu Prihono, Fransiskus (Br.)
From 18 to 27 July, 16 scjs took part in the second annual program in preparation for the final vows at the international community of La Capelle. The participants were:
Giuseppe Guglielmi IM, Renzo Zambotti IS, Stefano Zamboni IS, José Gouveia LU, Luis Jesus LU, Amandio Rocha LU, Arrmindo Rodrigues LU, Marcin Pilat PO, Pawet Miskiewicz PO, Wictor Sinicki PO, Jan Krzysciak PO, Dariusz Mroszek, Aleksander Viontsek PO, Wojciech Adamczyk PO, Lyle Hennen US, Edward Zemlik US.
They counted on the help of André Perroux EF, Joseph Famerée EF, Marcel Deloddère EF, Adérito Barbosa LU, under the coordination of Georges Deptula EF.
The participants have sent a message (Message aux Provinces SCJ) to the congregation upon conclusion of their program
Stefan Tertünte continues reflecting on Fr. Dehon's experiences during World War I, this week using a photo of the destruction in Fayet (cf. Fayet during World War I). He begins by writing:"It's probably while looking at this photograph or the ruins of Fayet themselves, when Fr. Ducamp wrote:
'In Fayet there wasn't a stone left standing… only a part of the portal wall… and some pieces of pavement made it possible to guess that there had been constructions at this place before.' " (Ducamp, Le P. Dehon et son œuvre, p. 492)
In the eighth in our series from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, a letter written on August 28, 1978 in which Fr. Rasset comments on the death of Sister Mary of Jesus."Tonight our dear Sister Mary of Jesus, of whom I have already spoken, died on the feast of St. Augustine. I cannot shed any more tears as I write this. She had all the gifts of this world and sacrificed them generously to Our Lord. We were convinced that the Heart of the Good Master would only ask of a mystical death and make a miracle.