SCJ World News |
In this week's Meet an SCJ we present Innocent Mutanyu AM who is a theology student at Merrivale-Cedara. Innocent was born in Zimbabwe and came to the SCJs in 1995.It's always nice to get notes like this one from James Cunniffe (US), pastor of Holy Spirit parish in Hernando, Mississippi:
Looking over the weekly news at, I noticed the commercial for Christ the Redeemer in Houston and felt guilty for not submitting Holy Spirit's site for the enjoyment of the confreres. You can reach us at
Your comments and suggestions can be sent to:
South Brazil
Levi dos Anjos Ferreira (BM), a theology student at Taubaté, was kind enough to send some photos and an article about scj scholastics life outside the classroom. He begins by writings: "Brooms, hoses, rakes, wheelbarrows and lawn mowers are not strange things among us. We handled these instruments as often as we do with the Bible and the Breviary." For more link here to: God's workers .
Dave Jackson of the United States Province forwarded this email petition concerning the exclusion of the Dalai Lama from the UN Millennium Peace Summit.
Subject: Dalai Lama's exclusion from UN Millennium Peace Summit
We hope this petition is self explanatory. Please sign and forward to others who may wish to support the Dalai Lama's inclusion in this conference of Religious and Spiritual Leaders. If you find that you are number 50 on the signature list, please sign and then return to:
Free Tibet Campaign
We, the Undersigned, strongly protest the exclusion of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, from the Millennium Peace Summit of Spiritual leaders being held at the UN from August 28th-31st. The ones primarily responsible for this Summit (UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and Bawa Jain) could choose at this time to find the moral courage to stand up against Chinese pressure and inducements; they should reverse their earlier decision and invite His Holiness -- one of the most revered spiritual leaders on the planet as well as a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate -- to this gathering for peace of spiritual and religious leaders.
born: 12.01.1912
first profession: 08.09.1932
ordained: 16.07.1939
died: 12.08.2000 at MaastrichtOn August 10, 2000 at San Egidio alla Vibrata, Mr. Amadio Ciarrocchi died at the age of 90. He is father to two scjs, Emilio, general treasurer, and Umberto (IM), director of Poligrafico Dehoniano at Andria (Please see attached letter from Fr. General).
In this week's commentary on a photo from our Dehon collection Stefan Tertünte writes: "The war in Saint Quentin is for Fr. Dehon also a revival of former friendships and relations, the occasion to visit people he hadn't met for many years. Thus he writes in his journal of the war:""In the affliction one turns back to the old friends and the old relations… One needs, in difficult times, to encourage one another, to give full scope to one's sorrows, to express one's hopes" (AD Inv.-Nr. 0067600).
Please note, this will be the last photo in our series at least until October as Stefan takes time for a well deserved vacation and visit to his SCJ German Province. There is some question of whether or not he would like to continue this series. It would be helpful if you contact us with your comments and suggestions (
In the tenth in our series from CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST NOVICES BEFORE THE "CONSUMMATUM EST 1878-1883" by Egidio Driedonkx, we present excerpts 2.2 and 2.3. The first is a letter from January or February 1881 to the Visitation Sisters at Paray-le-Monial, and the second dated April 1881 to his cousin Maria.Fr. Falleur asks the sisters to send a relic from Claude de la Colombiere to his cousin Maria who was ill and had prayed to the Sacred Heart for her. While we don't have Fr. Falleur's own letter, we do have what the sisters sent to his cousin. It has the date Feb. 12, 1881.