We apologize for being off the air for the last two weeks. Your editor’s computer was struck by a virus causing the hard drive on his computer to crash. Yes, a new one was needed! Yes, I know one should always back up data, but sad to say knowing and doing is not the same thing. My computer was back up and running on February 23, 2001, and now I am in the process of reconstructing data and data bases. Therefore, please be a bit patient as this a slow and time-consuming process.Message for Dehonian Vocations Day
Posted to the Letters and Documents section is this year's letter in honor of Fr. Dehon's birthday (March 14, 1843). The letter is dated February 9, 2001, and was written by Fr. General at La Capelle, the birthplace of Fr. Dehon during his recent pastoral visit to the province (cf. Message for Dehonian Vocations Day).
I am on a fraternal visit to the European French (EuroFranco, EF) province , a visit that ends today and culminates at La Capelle. For the very first time I am inside the house where the founder was born. I have spent a long period of time in the room where he studied and prayed, where he reflected upon and developed his dreams and future life commitments which are at this very moment being continued in our own history and persons. The previous few days I spent at St. Quentin, the cradle of our Congregation and of the entire Dehonian Family. I prayed at the tomb of Fr. Dehon with my thoughts on all of you and on the world in which we live and work with inspiration taken from his heritage.
New Site
The South Italian Province (IM) has a new website for youth work and vocation ministry. It will be added to our links page and can be viewed by linking here to http://utenti.tripod.it/dehoniani.
News provide by Ezio Allessandroni (IM)New Email Address
The French Canadian Region has a new email address, which also serves as the email address for Maurice Légaré, regional superior. mlegare@qc.aira.com.The Franco European Province has also changed its email address: efsecprov@infonie.fr.
The changes will be noted on our website email listing.XXth Century SCJ Martyrs
In preparation for the March 11th Beatification of Fr Juan de la Cruz García Méndez scj of our Spanish Province (HI) we will be presenting a weekly series on our "SCJ Martyrs of the XXth Century." This series has been prepared by Stefan Tertünte (GE) using the work of Fr. Bernd Bothe (GE) Märtyrer der Herz-Jesu-Priester (SCJ Martyrs). This week features the story Fr. Nicola Martino Capelli, of the Italian Province (note this was before Italy split into two provinces).
Just a few weeks ago the diocesan canonization process for Fr. Capelli’s was completed (cf. Notice from North Italian Provincial Office).13.01.01 Introduction
20.02.01 Frs. Josef Benedikt Stoffels and Nicolas Wampach
27.01.01 Fr. Mariano Johannes Garíca Mendez
03.02.01 Fr. Franz Stanislaus Loh
10.02.01 P. Kristiaan Hubertus Muermans
03.03.01 Fr. Nicola Martino Capelli
10.03.01 An Accidental Saint: Fr. Mariano Johannes García Mendez
17.03.01 Dutch SCJs in Indonesia
24.03.01 SCJs in the Congo
Please Note: Due to our computer problems please make note of the revised schedule for completing the presentation of XXth Century SCJ Martyrs.On Saturday afternoon February 10th in the parish of Santa Maria del Suffragio, Bologna the diocesan canonization process of Fr. Martino Nicola Capelli came to a close. Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, presided at a concelebrated mass. The process took five years under the direction of the diocesan censor who heard the testimony of 50 witnesses and examined the writings of Fr. Capelli. All the material is collected in some eight volumes. Now the cause will be passed on to Rome as we await in hope that he will soon be proclaimed blessed. Fr. Luigi Mostarda, provincial superior of the North Italian Province offered a brief description of Fr. Capelli's life to those present, including the cardinal, fellow scjs, members of Fr. Capelli's family, his friends and many of the faithful.
From North Italian ProvinceFinally, regarding the beatification of Fr. Mariano Johannes García Mendez, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints has published the following decree:BEATIFICATION OR DECLARATION OF MARTYDOM
(in the world: Mariano García Méndez)
It is on our site in English, French, Italian, Portuguese, as well as the original Latin.
Edward Zemlik (US) who was ordained a deacon at St. Matthew the Evangelist Parish (Houston, TX) on February 24, 2001.
MozambiqueThe body of Fr. Pietro de Franceschi was found on February 22, 2001, by a local fisherman passing down by in his canoe about three kilometers (1.6 miles) down river from where the accident took place. It was recovered and confirmed as that of Fr. De Franceschi. A Mass took place in Pabae where he lived and worked on the 22nd and one day after the funeral took place in Milevane.
Sandro CapoferriNorth America
provincial secretary
22.02.2001The scj vocation directors of North America met in Hales Corners on February 23rd to discus current and future plans. Special note was take of the World Youth Day set for July of 2002 in Toronto and how the scjs might participate in this important gathering of youth from around the world.
+Fr. Ildefonso Campanale IM
(on the left)Born: 04.08.1909
First Professioe: 24.09.1928
Ordination: 28.06.1936
Died: 10.02.2001 at Bolognano (Trento)Fr. Ildefonso Campanale, of the South Italian Province, passed away on February 10, 2001, at Bolognano, the infirmay of the North Italian Province (IS), where he has been residing since last summer.He did all of his studies in the North: The minor seminary at Albino, 1921 - 1926: Philosophy and Theology at Bologna from 1929 – 1936.
From 1936 to 1939 he was sent to Albino as an educator and then as prefect of discipline. He served in the same capacity at Casa S. Maria, in Pagliare from 1939 to 1944 during the war years. From 1944 to 1948 he was in Bologna serving as an assistant pastor at S. Maria del Suffragio. He was sent to Foligno in 1948 when it became a minor seminary and served there until 1957.
He was a provincial councilor from 1954 to 1957 when Italy was still one province but already making plans to split into two provinces. In 1960 he was elected provincial treasurer of the South Italian Province and would remain in that post until 1965. In 1965 he was sent to Quaticciolo (Rome) where he became immersed in the complex parochial activities of the parish. He served there as community treasurer and pastoral care of the sick. He remained in Quaticciolo until last summer when he completed the circle of life and returned to the North.
+Gerard Stephen Giblin (BH)Born: 10.12.1918
First Profession: 02.07.1946
Ordained: 04.07.1948
Died: 11.02.2001at ChesterGerard (always referred to as Gibbs) gave a long life of service to the community. He was prefect of discipline in the juniorate at Woodcote Hall, rector of the scholasticate and bursar there- which always made him smile! He served also in Kilwinning when it was a seminary hostel and in various parishes: Corby; Malpas: St Vincent’s Liverpool; Baguley and Stockport.
He was a warm friend and a kindly priest with his feet firmly on the ground. He gave good advice and had a great love for the congregation. Every day he prayed to Fr Dehon for vocations to the religious life & priesthood. He was always interested in people and what was happening, and would have to say what was on his mind. He was cheerful and disarmingly self-deprecating.
He was devoted to his family and birthdays he always celebrated, picking out cards that were meaningful and witty.During the last eighteen months he was struggling with ill health, but in the end his death took us all by surprise.
A favorite conclusion to his funeral homilies was:
"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft on your fields, and until we meet again May God hold you in the palm of his hand." And this is our prayer for him. Michael J Walshe SCJ
+Fr. Ramond Nickels (EF)
Born: 14.14.1919
First profession: 03.10.1940
Ordained: 24:08.1945
Died: 17.02.2001 in Luxembourg
Born: 24.09.1938
First profession: 08.09.1957
Ordained: 21.09.1966
Died: 27.02.2001 Wauwatosa, WI