13 October 2001
HazebrouckPeter Sanders took note of our reporting of the website for Hazebrouck (cf. 29.09.01). He sent along two photos of his own taken last winter during his sabbatical time in Europe.
Mission Conference
We are posting to the Letters & Documents section material sent out last month by Riszard Mis (CU) in preparation for the Mission Animators Conference (November 19 - 23, 2001) which will follow immediately after the meeting of SCJ Major Superiors in Rome.
Raduno Degli Animatori Missionari SCJ -- ROMA 2001 Allegato n.1 (Missione in Molti Modi)
Daily Schedule: Programma del giorno
We are posting additional documents from the Dehonian Educators Conference held last July in Salamanca, Spain.
Summaries -- 4 MESA REDONDA
Please note: These documents are presented only in their original language.
*This is the last of the reports.
CongratulationsOn Thursday, October 11th at St. Peter's Church in Sako Palembang Mons. Andreas Henrisoesanta, scj, bishop of Tanjungkarang, ordained eight members of the Indonesian province to the priesthood.
1. Fr. Bernardus Beda Kedang, SCJ (from the parish "Hati Amat Kudus" of Lerek, the Diocese of Larantuka, Flores)
2. Fr. Agustinus Samirin, SCJ (from the parish "Para Rasul Kudus" of Tegalsari, the Diocese of Pelembang)
3. Fr. Petrus Sugiarto, SCJ (from the parish "St.Paulus" of Muara Bungo, the Diocese of Palembang)
4. Fr. Fransiskus Suradi, SCJ (from the parish" St.Pius X" of Gisting, the Diocese of Tanjungkarang)
5. Fr. Markus Tukiman, SCJ(from the parish ""Kabar Gembira" of Kotabumi, the Diocese of Tanjungkarang)
6. Fr. Gertrudis Marino, SCJ (from the parish "St.Petrus" of Kalirejo, the Diocese of Tanjungkarang)
7. Fr. Laurentius Setyo Antoro, SCJ (from the parish "St.Yusup" of Pringsewu, the Diocese of Tanjungkarang)
8. Fr. Robertus Susilo Haryono, SCJ (from the parish "St. Yakobus" of Bantul, the Archdiocese of Semarang)
Photo taken at the ordination of Bishop Gaetano di Pierro as the auxiliary bishop of Ambatondrazaka on August 5, 2001, by Umberto Chiarello (CU) who represented the general administration along with Zolile Mpambani (CU), councilor responsible for Africa.
We received this photo of the final vow ceremony of Alberto Garlínez s on September 29th in the parish of San Miguel Arcángel in Caracas. Gonzalo Arnáiz Alvarez, regional superior, presided. Alberto also sent along a photo of the scj philosophy students.
Rick Di Leo (US) has been kind enough to translate Egidio Driedonkx's (CH) latest research publication: THE PRESENCE OF FATHER DEHON IN THE MEETINGS WITH THE ALUMNI OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE FROM SAN QUENTIN (1884-1924). In his introduction Egidio writes:During his long association with the students of St. John's College in San Quentin, first as Superior and later as priest and friend of those who were his students, Fr. Dehon participated in all the meetings with former students until 1924.
What he offers is much like On-going Formation. What did he teach them? These meetings and lessons, which appear in the chronicles of these meetings of the alumni, will inform us of what especially was his intention since the establishment of St. John's Institute in San Quentin with the formation of the youth in that city.
I hope this small work will help, with Fr. Dehon's example, to guide our work and commitment with today's youth in our formation programs.
Rome, May 1, 2001We begin this week with the first meeting of Fr. Dehon with the students of St. John's held on September 29, 1884.
+Br. Petrus Matthijs Theunissen NEborn: 01.12.1912
first profession: 08.09.1947
died: 04.10.2001 at Cadier em KeerBr. Petrus made his novitiate at St. Gerlach, a house that no longer exist. After his first profession, in 1947, he was destined to work in the seminary of Bergen op Zoom where he took care of the fields and cattle. He dedicated himself totally to this task. He was then transferred to Rips. After six months he left Rips and returned to St. Gerlach. As long as his heath permitted, he dedicated his days to gardening. He also became an expert in bees. Through his life, Br. Petrus was a model of religious life. We can say without any doubt that he was a man of prayer and a servant to his others.
+Fra. Paul Tiragalo Ntwe AM born: 03.10.1969
first profession: 11.01.1997
died: 06.10.2001 at MerrivaleHe died suddenly after a short illness just three months after making his final profession of vows. He also wrote a brief account of his life for our series Meet an SCJ (CF. Paul Tiragalo Ntwe).
born: 11.04.1900
first profession: 17.10.1920
ordained: 19.07.1925
died: 05.10.2001 at BolognanoThe oldest scj who in April of 2000 celebrated his 100th birthday at Cristo Rei parish where he had lived and worked all his 75 years of priesthood. For more information cf. Meet an SCJ (Father Zambetti's 100 Years).