General ChapterPosted to the Letters & Documents page is a letter from Fr. General (Prot. N. 272/2001) convoking the 21st General Chapter to begin on May 12, 2003 and running until June 13, 2003.
Br. Leonard Zaworksi (IND) wrote the day after Christmas that he had updated the photo pages on the SCJ Indian website at: from RomeIn addition to the letter convoking the next general chapter we are posting two other letters from Fr. General. The first is to the Dehonian Family (Prot.N. 263/2001) entitled La Famiglia Dehoniana. It is available only in Italian.
The second letter (Prot. N. 264/2001) was written to major superiors of the congregation following their November meeting in Rome.
After our meeting of Major Superiors held from 05-16 this past November, the General Administration reflected on what you brought to our attention and recommendations you made on the various topics and arrived at the following conclusions which we now transmit to you all. It's only right, in fact, that after a consultative meeting some position be taken by the General Administration and its conclusions, decisions, and orientations be explained.
Justice & Peace
Posted to the Montreal Justice & Peace Conference (October 2002) is the registration letter sent to Justice & Peace participants by Claude Bédard (CGA).
Welcome Back
This is the first issue of SCJ News for the new year, following our year end break. We look forward to 2002, and encourage you to send news of what is going on in your province, region or district for publication on the site. With the new year we have made a few minor changes to mark the new year to our site.
We have also posted the final necrology page for 2001. It is sad to report that 59 of our fellow scjs died during the course of the year.
Unfortunately as we begin 2002 we have nothing new to report on the release of Giuseppi Piarantoni (PHI) by his captors in the Philippines; please keep him, his family and our fellow scjs in the Philippines in your prayers.
Cause for the Canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.We are delighted to announce that a member of the Priests of the Sacred Heart will be leaving for Rome at the end of this month to be part of the Cause for the Canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Fr. Michael van der Peet, S.C.J. has been asked by the Sisters of Mother Teresa of India to be part of a commission to prepare for her possible Beatification and Canonization. Fr. Michael has been asked to go to Rome for approximately 4 to 6 months beginning on January 28, 2002 to help out with the work of Mother Teresa's Cause. Fr. Michael has known Mother Teresa for a number of years, given retreats to her and her community. His frequent conversations and visits with her developed a friendship and knowledge that should give insights to the commission in Rome. Fr. Michael will be carrying about 21 letters with him that Mother Teresa wrote, some as long as six pages of her inspiring prayers and thoughts on so many topics.
Fr. Michael is presently working as a Spiritual Director at the Sacred Heart School of Theology in Hales Corners, Wisconsin and will take a leave from his ministry there. He is planning to stay with the SCJs in our General Residence in Rome and is asking for your prayers for God's blessings on the Cause of Mother Teresa.
Richard MacDonaldChile
provincial superior
02/01/2001As we start the new year we have the 9th installment of the Anchud Chronicles from Chile. This one was written shortly before Christmas, but because of our year end break could only be published today (Cf. Anchud Chronicle #9).
As we have only four days left before the celebration of Christmas, it is a good chance to begin this chronicle. It will be the last one for the year 2001. In it I will make a short evaluation before we say farewell to this year filled with so many happenings. It would be much too lengthy to recall all that has taken place during this time, all very important in our personal lives and in our ministry, but one event that took place and really caught our attention on the local level was our parish assembly on the 15th of September.
New Superiors Workshop
Richard MacDonald, provincial of the United States Province, wrote a short reflection on the first New [Major] Superiors Workshop held in Rome the day before the start of the November major superiors meeting.
SEVENTEENTH MEETING OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FROM ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE.The Mass was celebrated by Abbe Suavez. The homily was preached by Abbe G. Grinon, pastor at Levergies. He spoke of how all the students learned the gifts of kindness, benevolence, dedication, sacrifice and charity at St. John's. Up until then, all went well but that is precisely the reason to work harder, sacrifice more, and give more, to continue towards EXCELSIOR!!
+ Br. Martin Ewald Lentes (GE)Born: 23.10.1911
First profession: 26.10.1930
Died: 18.12. 2001 at Martental, Germany
+ Fr. Luis María Asenjo Chocarro (HI)
Born: 12.05.1954
First profession: 29.09.1974
Ordained: 20.12.1980
Died: 19.12.2001 at Madrid, Spain
+ S. Mauricio Alejandro Solar Reyes (CH)
Born: 23.05.1975
First profession: 02.02.2000
Died: 26.12.2001 at Santiago, Chile
+ Fr. André Blaise (EF)
Born: 05.12.1919
First profession: 01.11.1938
Ordained: 18.06.1944
Died: 27.12.2001 at Paris, FranceFr Blaise served as Administrator and Rector of our Scholasticate in Lyons from 1947 - 1954. He was Provincial (then the French Province) from 1954 - 1960, and again Rector in Lyons from 1960 &endash; 1968. After some years in charge at Volkrange and in pastoral work at Meaux, he was appointed Novice Master in Nantes (two or three years).
In his last assignment he was responsible for the parish of Verrieres-le-Buisson in the department of Essonne.
On his retirement he lived in our Paris community, which he enlivened with his kindly smile and his good sense of humour, always ready to help out both in community and in the parish in so far as his health permitted him.
On 22 December 2001 he fractured his femur, and it proved fatal. He now experiences the reward due to a good and faithful servant..
+Gérard Malézieux-Dehon
died 31.12.2001 at Paris.
Mr Gerard Malezieux-Dehon, who died in Paris on 31 December 2001, was one of the three great-grandnephews of Fr Dehon, our Founder.
He experienced the great happiness of celebrating Christmas just past in Rome, accompanied by his wife Bernadette and four of their five daughters and their families. This trip had been arranged by the children as a gesture of gratitude towards their parents, and it turned out to be the concluding happiness of this great Christian before his final encounter with his Lord.