The French/Luxembourg Province, under the auspices of the Young Dehonians now have a web site. It will be added to our links section and can be accessed here at: www.ifrance.com/jddehon/ . It is under the direction of Joseph Furzon. He will appreciate your comments and suggestions and can be reached at the site's email address Dehon@ifrance.com.A letter from the provincial and regional superiors of Latin America meeting in Uruguay to Fr. General and members of the congregation can be found here (cf. Meeting in Montevideo). The letter reflections on our scj past and future presence in Uruguay.
The Congregational Statistics for the second trimester have been published. Note at the request of a number of provinces the reporting system has changed from quarterly to three times a year. Please take note of the establishment of the districts in India and the Philippines which impacts the personnel situation in a number of provinces (cf. Statistics 31.08.99).
Since it is now the practice of the General Secretary's Office to release letters in their original language before the translations into the other two official document languages (English - French - Italian) we are posting this week the letter from the General Superior and Ryszard Mis (CU) on their visit to Poland in Italian and English. We will notify readers when the French is posted (cf. Information about the General Visit to the Polish Province). It can also be found on the Letters & Documents page.
A Correction: Adrian Borst received a message from Holland noting an error in the new email address for Jozefklooseter SCJ Community as it appeared on one or more of the language pages. Here is the correct address: jozefklooster.nijmegen@worldonline.ne.
MoldaviaDuring early October Msg. Antono Cosa, Apostolic Administrator of Moldavia, visited Roma I. Stefan Tertünte (GE) spent some time with Msg. Cosa to learn about the presence of the Church after the fall of communism since it is an area in Eastern Europe in which scjs now work. Five members from the Polish Province are now working in this country (Cf. Msg. Antono Cosa).
Vatican City
Bob Bossie (US) was interviewed on Vatican Radio on Friday, October 22, 1999, regarding the effect of continuing economic sanctions imposed by the UN on Iraq. Bossie has been active through the Eighth Day Center in Chicago in campaigning for the lifting of these sanctions with the devastating effect they are having on the lives of ordinary people, especially the elderly and young.
Note: For those who do not have access to short wave radio be advised that Vatican Radio makes its daily news broadcasts available over the Internet in various languages. This site cane be accessed at the following URL: http://www2.links2go.com/more/www.wrn.org/vatican-radio).
News from Jakarta
The Jakarta SCJ community met with Fr General at our Cilandak Parish (St. Stefanus). We were happy to meet him. Fr Wardjito moderated the meeting and served as our translator. It went very well. Many activities were held in our three parishes (Bidaracina, Cilandak and Pamulang) to celebrate the 75th anniversary of our SCJ presence in Indonesia. We wanted to share our happiness with the people of our parishes. The main provincial celebration will be held in Palembang on 27 October. All of us, from the Jakarta SCJ community will join in this celebration at Palembang. We give thanks to God for His Grace and guidance to our province during these 75 years we have been in Indonesia
Atnonius Dwi Pramono (IN)member of the Cilandak Pastoral Team
News from EcuadorCarlos Frick (VEN) was kind enough to write a short article on the opening of the second SCJ Community in Ecuador. Four new scjs from Spain arrived on 12 October. The new community is located near Quito, the capital of Ecuador (cf. Ecuador).
+Bishop Pierre Augustin Tchouanga - CM born: 28.04.1928
professed: 15.12.1955
ordained: 29.06.1959
consecrated: 12.06.1983
died: 23.10.1999 in Nkongsamba, Cameroon
This week we present the last in our series of cartoons done by Quinto Regazzoni (AU), a well known scj design artist working in Montevideo, Uruguay. These were done during his study of English at the ESL (English as a Second Language Program) run by Sacred Heart School of Theology/Sacred Heart Monastery, Hales Corners, WI. We thank him for his willingness to share them with us (cf. No Language).
Stefan Tertünte writes his commentary this week on Fr. Dehon's days as a student at the French Seminary in Rome. This was a special period in the life of Fr. Dehon, one which he enjoyed immensely and would help shape and form his priestly ministry (cf. The Church of Santa Chiara).
Paul J. McGuire (US) was kind enough to offer our website an electronic (computer) copy of his recent work In Canada and America: Selections from Father Dehon's Diary. This week Fr. Dehon journeys from New Orleans up the Mississippi River to the gateway to the west St. Louis, Missouri.