20 October 2001

Special Notice

PAGADIAN CITY -- About 10 to 15 heavily armed men in fatigues Wednesday night abducted an Italian priest while he was taking supper in his parish church in the town of Dimataling in Zamboanga del Sur province on the southern Mindanao island, his superiors reported.

Zamboanga del Sur Bishop Zacarias Jimenez identified the victim as Father Giuseppi Piarantoni of the Sacred Heart of Fathers. "He was snatched by heavily armed men," Jimenez told reporters.

Inquirer News Service
Additional Information:
Complete article from the Inquirer News Service

Official notice by Fr. General to the Congregation

Statement by Fr. Jerry Sheehy, scj, from Manila

Mindanao by Rino Venturin-- (from an article in L'Amico delle Missioni May - June 2000)

What's New?

Dehon Study Center

The Dehon Study Center is posing three questions to major superiors on the publication DEHONIANA in order to better serve the needs of the congregation (cf. letter to major superiors).


Thanks to Bernard Rosinski (US) for translating Fr. General's homily at Puente la Reina on September 22, 2001, on the occasion of the feast of Blessed Juan María de la Cruz García Mendez (cf. homily).


We are posting additional documents from the Dehonian Educators Conference held last July in Salamanca, Spain.

Summaries -- 5 MESA REDONDA


Please note: These documents are presented only in their original language.

What's Happening?


Dave Marsden SCJ, who has often been featured on these pages during his time in India and the Philippines made his final vows here in Malpas last week [October 4, 2001]. Supported by the community, his family and friends he vowed himself to live for God in and through our way of life. It was a very joyful occasion, aided by the musical gifts of the Team from Dehon House. Dave began his journey with the SCJs at Dehon, where he came as a student and later worked for two years. Let us pray for Dave and that others will follow in his steps.

A surprise announcement at the end of the ceremony was that Francis Murphy SCJ is also to go to our Indian Mission next month. Francis has most recently been working in Liverpool. A former missionary in Zaire (now Congo) he brings a wealth of experience, humor and common sense to accompanying the young Indian community. Francis is 79 years young!

From the BH Website

We have the 7th Ancud Chronicle from Hernan Leemrijse. He writes for the month of September about the celebration of Family Week and family life in Chiloé .

During this last week of September we celebrated the week of the Family. In our diocese we moved it up a week so that it would not coincide with the Diocesan Synod which will take place October 12 -14....


SCJs participating in this month's Synod of Bishops have each made interventions. A summary of their interventions have been published and can be found here in English, French and Italian.

H.E. Most Rev. Eusébio Oscar SCHEID, S.C.J., Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, (Brazil).

H.E. Most Rev. Tomé MAKHWELIHA, S.C.J., Archbishop of Nampula (Mozambique)

Rev. Fr. Virginio Domingo BRESSANELLI, S.C.J., Superior General of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Fr. Dehon's meetings with the students of St. John's College



In the introduction to the BY-LAWS, it reads: Heavenly blessings, petitioned for by various pontiffs of the Church, for the dedication and zeal of the venerable Founder, who made the Institute solid and useful. He had the gift of giving life to the alumni association that develops stronger and stronger.