31 March 2001
RomeOn March 14, 2001 Central Studies has published the critical edition of “La Rénovation socialechrétienne”, (Fr. Dehon's Roman Conferences). Fr. General has published a letter to the Dehonian Family marking this event (Cf. l’edizione critica di “La Rénovation sociale chrétienne”). It will be posted to the letters and documents page.
Office of Secretary General
This week we are posting to the letters and documents section listings of those who made their first vows and final vows in the year 2000.
XXth Century SCJ MartyrsIn honor of the March 11th Beatification of Fr Juan de la Cruz GarcÌa Mèndez scj of our Spanish Province (HI) we have been presenting a weekly series on our "SCJ Martyrs of the XXth Century." Stefan Tertünte (GE) using the work of Fr. Bernd Bothe (GE) Märtyrer der Herz-Jesu-Priester (SCJ Martyrs) has prepared this series.
This week we present the story of the three scjs from the French Province who died in the Cameroon in late 1959. Please note, this will conclude our presentation of the XXth Century SCJ Martyrs. A very special note of thanks to Stefan Tertünte who put this series together.
NB. Due to the fact that Maurice Lègarè was out of town for several weeks we are missing several of the French texts. Over the next several weeks we will be adding them to this series so that it is complete in all five of the languages we use on our website.
13.01.01 Introduction
20.02.01 Frs. Josef Benedikt Stoffels and Nicolas Wampach
27.01.01 Fr. Mariano Johannes Garíca Mendez
03.02.01 Fr. Franz Stanislaus Loh
10.02.01 P. Kristiaan Hubertus Muermans
03.03.01 Fr. Nicola Martino Capelli
10.03.01 An Accidental Saint: Fr. Mariano Johannes García Mèndez
17.03.01 Dutch SCJs in Indonesia
24.03.01 SCJs in the Congo
31.03.01 French SCJs in the CameroonIt's not always us
We received a request to update our link to the ESL Program (Hales Corners) website which recently moved to http://www.poshesl.org. Our web master Zdzislaw Huber (FIN) pointed out that it was done several weeks ago and the person who wrote may not have 'updated' his/her browser. At any rate, you should be able to link to this site using our links page.
On the other hand, Paula Montin of Finland (one of our faithful readers she notes) wrote:
"Just read the latest on SCJ pages. One of the topics looks funny, I think, and should read 'Congregational Statistics December 31, 2000 (not 2001).'"
We thank her for pointing out this error. Please be patient, Paula, it may take a little time to get this updated as that will have to be done in your native land, by Zdzislaw Huber (FIN) in Helsinki.
The councils of North America (US and Anglo Canadian Provinces and the Region of French Canada) met in Toronto on March 26 - 27, 2001, to continue their ongoing dialogue on developing a common scj identity in North America.Rome
The general council returns to Rome this week from their various winter visits around the congregation to begin their spring meetings. The council will meet between now and May 15,
2001.Youth Ministry
David Jackson (US) suggests that we start a 'youth ministry' page on our website. He also is looking for information on youth ministry in the congregation (CF. A Request to Learn More About Youth Ministry), Posting a page on youth ministry would not be difficult, however receiving information to post would be the major problem. Such a page would depend on the cooperation of scjs from around the congregation in order to be useful. Please let us know what you think!
United States
James Schier, meeting facilitator, working with one of the small groupsThe US Provincial council held an 'open forum' with members of the province as part of the ongoing planning process the province has been engaged in for the past several years. Over 60 members of the provinces were in attendance during the three day meeting held on March 20 - 22, 2001. The theme of the gathering focused on 'developing a vision' for the province.
+P Ludo Loyens FL
born: 20.03.1956
professed: 25.04.1977
ordained: 28.06.1981
died: 24.03.2001 at LoppemLudo was appointed a member of the provincial council of the Flemish Province in 1999. He was well known for his work with young adults.